Resource Management and Planning Discussion on 12dec07

Present: Chock, Sreeni, Rajeshwar, Harry

  • Sreeni presented the existing Resource Managaement features with a demo.
    • Chock suggested that task based GUI would help user experience by reducing the number of items one has to remember. For ex. to create JDBC Resource, one has to first create connection pool and then the jdbc resource. Chock will investigate and report what kind of back-end support is needed to achieve this. Harry asked Chock to review the registry feature.
    • Sreeni to better understand the requirement for batching reconfig events. Chock mentioned that a similar feature was removed from 7.x.
    • Rajeshwar asked about the features which provide for ease of use and address pain points.
    • Harry mentioned to consider the replication feature from staging to production.
  • Sreeni reviewed the ongoing list of new features in Resource Management area.
  • WebLogic Server 10.3 TP is installed on Sreeni's machine pujita which can be accessed by other team members. Similarly, Rajeshwar would install Oracle Application Server and Harry will install WebSphere.
  • Team discussed and agreed to come up with higher level requirements for primary areas. Reviewing existing features, competition, PRD, RFEs and discussions with dependent teams would help scope the V3 requirement.

For an idea, pl. refer to jdbc requirements

Action Plan:

Task Owner Completion Date
Review and incorporate the suggestions made by team Sreeni 14dec07
Install Oracle Application Server Rajeshwar 14dec07
Install WebSphere Harry 14dec07
*High Level Requirements for*    
Resources Management Sreeni 18dec07
Monitoring Chock 18dec07
Call Flow Harry 18dec07
Web Services Management Harry 18dec07
External Tools Rajeshwar 18dec07
Provisioning (N1 SPS) Sreeni 18dec07
HADB Administration Sreeni 18dec07