One Pagers for New / Enhanced Functionality in SailFin v2.1

One Pagers

Document Authors Status Reviewer(s) Slides/Links Testing owner Test Spec Doc. Owner Arch Review
Delegated Admin Yamini In-Progress Sreeram/Prasad - Jagadesh - Mike -
AS Health Check Ramesh Parthasarathy In-Progress Sreeram/Prasad - Jagadesh - Mike -


Guidelines for Authors

  • The one pager is meant for consumption by ARCs, Docs, QE/QA, SEs and other developers who may need to understand the high level workings and interfaces. Please use the standard templates given below
  • The one pager is not a substitute for design document. Please keep one pagers reasonably brief.
  • When the initial draft of a document is ready, please link it to the table above and change the state to Draft
  • When the document is ready for review:
    • Please contact designated reviewers and request for feedback.
    • Please solicit community feedback/comments about the new feature by providing a link to the relevant one pager and a link to this wiki page. Please send a mail to and separately.
    • The subject of the thread should say something about the new feature.
    • Ask for feedback on the new feature in the body and include the link to the relevant one pager in it. Please also include a link to this wiki page.
    • Indicate in the initial (email ) thread that the review period is 1 week. Comments received after that will not be considered for this release.
  • At the end of this period:
    • Incorporate any feedback that is useful and relevant for this release into the one pager and update it on this page.
    • Change the status to Review Completed

Guidelines for Reviewers

  • Please use the format from review template to provide feedback.
  • Please update this page and add a link to your reviews in the Review column.
  • Notify the author(s) that the review comments are available.

Review Process

  • The author of the one pager for the feature will post the one pager on this wiki and start a new thread soliciting feedback/comments on the new feature.
  • All documents posted will allow a minimum of 1 week for the community to provide feedback.
  • During this period, author is expected to respond to feedback/comments posted by others .
  • At the end of this period the author will update the one pager with all relevant feedback/comments received during this period.
  • Any feedback/comments received after this period will not be considered for this release.