
We are in the development phase for our SailFin 2.0. Here are the milestone dates that we are targeting.

Milestone Date Comments
*MS1 * 4/29/2009 Multihome, HA enhancement, SAF enhancements,OLP, GMS enhancements, DCR changes,SMI Logging, Side By Side Upgrade,Critical bug fixes
MS2 6/24/2009 Session Replication enhancements, Rolling upgrade, Monitoring and Logging improvements, Non HA scalability fixes, Critical bug fixes
MS3/Soft Code Freeze 7/15/2009 Feature complete. HA enhancements, SIP over UDP enhancements, In-Place Upgrade for this milestone
Hard Code Freeze 9/2/2009 All functional issues fixed with very few open system test issues
Final Release 10/28/2009  

Here is the link to all the functional specifications/one pagers for the features that will be made available in this release: SFv2FunctionalSpecs


We want to make sure that our milestone builds are lot more stable. As a result, we are proposing the following:

  • Close the workspace from Milestone completion date until Milestone testing completion date for any new enhancements. This way, we will not be introducing instability into the MS builds, and use that trunk for fixing high priority issues filed by Quality team. So, please plan in advance to avoid any feature check-ins during these periods.
  • As a guideline, we also want to propose engineers to avoid checking-in features into the trunk that are not committed deliverables for that Milestone. This again is to avoid any instability since those features would any way not be tested by Quality team since it will not be their test plans. Please use your judgment in making that call since stability is key here.
  • Conduct more exhaustive Milestone certification testing than usual
  • Improve the Unit Test coverage from Engineers for all the requirements

Please let us know if you have any feedback ( on the above proposal.