this is a quick and dirty doc about building the SIP tooling for NetBeans Here are the assumptions....
- You are using NetBeans 6.0 interactively to do the build
The steps
- checkout the tooling code from the sailfin repository
cvs -d :pserver:
Unknown macro: { id} co -P sailfin/tools/netbeans
- open these projects in NetBeans
- sailfin/tools/netbeans/sip
- sailfin/tools/netbeans/SipDevelopmentSupport
- sailfin/tools/netbeans/testagent/SipTestAgent/sip-stack
- sailfin/tools/netbeans/testagent/SipTestAgent/SipAgent
- sailfin/tools/netbeans/testagent/SipTestAgent/ssa-api
- sailfin/tools/netbeans/testagent/SipTestAgent/javaee
- sailfin/tools/netbeans/testagent/SipTestAgent/AntTask
- Use the 'Clean and Build All' action on the SipDevelopmentSupport project to build.
If you want to execute the suite project in the target platform you can use the Run action on SipDevelopmentSupport. You can also build the modules using Sailfin's maven infrastructure... The steps
- follow the instructions in this document
- checkout the sailfin tooling code
maven checkout-sailfin-tools
- build the tooling code
maven build-sailfin-tools this will download a zip archive of NetBeans 6.0.1 FCS onto your machine OR maven -Dnetbeans.install.dir=<NB INSTALL LOC> build-sailfin-tools will not download the NB 6.0.1 zip archive and use the installed bits that you point to