January 7, 2008 0815 PT
December 17, 2007 0815 PT
December 3, 1007 0815 PT
November 12, 2007 0815 PT Ajay will be out Nov 16 through Dec 10 Yvo submitted a new preview drop of the test agent. The agent compiles under JDK 5 now. Resolving the run-time library stuff needs to happen... but can happen after the check-in... when it is easier for more eyes to examine the situation. October 8, 2007 0815 PT Summary
license issues resolved. How to build it for the test agent.. Build and integrate updates to ssa-api.jar for dev module sipstack.jar
The Run item and test agent The run item and and a test script
APIs for extending the project right-click menu to Yvo... Ajay is waiting for a task list.. 1.1 versus 1.0 and its effects on the sip.xml |