SailFin v1.0 Admin Milestones

Overall Milestone Page

Beta Completion Date: 21 January 2008

ID Feature/Task Description Owner Status Notes/Updates
1.1 CLB dynamic reconfig create instance not generating events Srini Completed -Raised GlassFish issues 3954,3955. Needs follow up with Kedar for fix<br>-Srini is working with Pankaj on an alternate solution.<br>-Fix checked in on 16th Jan
1.2 CLB P1-364, P2s-186,306,321,369 Srini Completed -364 & 369 fixed on Jan10
1.3 CLB Config folder for default-cluster is missing as a result of which copy configuration fails. GlassFish admin needs to create the directories for all configurations in domain.xml Kedar/Srini Completed -Raised GlassFish issue 3980<br>-Fix checked in by Kedar on 17th Jan
2 Security dynamic reconfig Provide event and event listener interfaces Yamini Completed Checked in on Jan11
3.1 AMX Introduce new AMX mbeans for CLB and security elements. Define all interfaces along with javadoc Yamini Completed -Checked in on Jan21st
3.2 AMX Removal of AMX feature as system property Yamini Completed -Changes reviewed by Lloyd, has to be tested and checked in<br>-Checked in on 14th Jan
3.3 AMX Enhancements to AMX extension Yamini Completed -Changes approved by Lloyd. Need to test and checkin<br>-Checked in on 14th Jan
3.4 AMX Load AMX feature name "COMMS_APPSERV_FEATURE" during container startup. Client can query via AMX API for this feature to identity SailFin instances Yamini Completed -GlassFish changes checked in by Lloyd. Utilize the exposed API in SailFin startup<br>-Checked in on 14th Jan
4 Domain DTD DTD version needs to be revved up to 1.4 Separate out GlassFish and SailFin config beans. Modify/extend server validator to pick up correct DTD during runtime Srini Completed Checked in on 21st Jan
5 Admin Renaming of SessionManager to DialogManager has impacted admin module. AMX and stats interfaces need to be changed Yamini Completed Checked in on Jan11
6 Container dynamic reconfig Pending dynamic reconfig tasks Eltjo Completed
7 Stack config dispatcher.xml has been merged into domain.xml Implementation changes to pick up layer config from domain.xml needs to be done. This has an impact on CLB module as well. Eltjo Completed

Milestone 3 Completion Date: 10 December2007

ID Feature/Task Description Owner Status Date of completion
0 AMX Provide AMX support for SailFin MBeans Yamini Completed 20 Nov 2007
0.1 AMX Define SailFin AMX MBeans interfaces Yamini Completed 28 Nov 2007
1 GUI Screens Irfan Completed 10.Dec.2007
1.1 GUI Deployment Irfan Completed 15.Nov.2007
1.2 GUI SIP Service Irfan Completed 19.Nov.2007
1.3 GUI CLB Irfan Completed 23.Nov.2007
1.4 GUI SIP Container Configuration Irfan Completed 28.Nov.2007
1.5 GUI Monitoring & Log Level Settings Irfan These are configured as properties and hence do not need a GUI change. 30.Nov.2007
1.6 GUI Security Irfan Completed 03.Dec.2007
1.8 GUI Name changes & Icons Irfan Still under discussion 06.Dec.2007
2 Call Flow Extension Extend GlassFish call flow mechanism to support new request type for SIP Vijay Completed 14 Nov 2007
3 Call Flow Implementation Actual implementation for tracing SIP messages Peter Completed 21 Nov 2007
4 Domain extension Revv up DTD version to 1.4 and modify server validator Srini Still under discussion 30 Nov 2007
5 Domain.xml elements validation Extend validation-descriptors.xml Srini Completed 7 Dec 2007
6 Security commands Support for identity assertion trust management Yamini Completed 9 Dec 2007
7 Monitoring StatsDescriptionHelper extension to localize SailFin monitoring objects description texts Yamini Completed 16 Nov 2007
8 Monitoring Dynamic reconfiguration support for monitoring level Yamini Completed 7 Dec 2007  
9 isEE() methods cleanup Remove PE/EE from interface names Vijay Partly done 22 Nov 2007
10 Dynamic reconfiguration support for SIP container management Provide listener implementations for SIP elements requiring dynamic reconfig Eltjo Almost ready 10 Dec 2007
10.1 Dynamic reconfig Provide event interfaces Yamini Completed 22 Nov 2007
11 Cluster profile style sheets cleanup Re-structure the XSL rules into a single file, currently they are split into 4 files - Low priority for M3 -
12 CLB log level issue Debug and fix the issue of CLB log level showing up in GlassFish node agents Vijay Completed 20 Nov 2007
13 Module dependencies cleanup (Issue 116) Fix module dependencies and layering Eltjo Low priority for M3  
14 Mbeans for shared elements Describe Mbeans for shared elements (like access-log, session-config etc.) in sip-admin-descriptors.xml Yamini Completed 12 Nov 2007
15 Pending CLB tasks #183, #190, #191, remove create-converged-lb-config command, introduce set-dcr-file command Srini Completed 10 Dec 2007
16 Bugs: GUI Admin Evaluate and fix bugs All In process  
17 Developer tests Add developer test cases for every checkin (where ever possible) All In process