Common APIs exposed by Sailfin

Some APIs which can be used by developers using Sailfin, are being exposed as Sailfin specific proprietary APIs.

Where are these available ?

These APIs would be available in the Sailfin installation under <INSTALL_ROOT>/lib/comms-appserv-api.jar.
The API class/interface files are in the sailfin/common module.

Interfaces to be exposed

The table below list the interfaces that are exposed. For the convienience of existing users of these APIs, the older and new package names are listed in the table. Please make sure that you use the new package names of the APIs , if you are users of these classes.

Current Name Proposed Change Impact on code Owner
org.jvnet.glassfish.comms.clb.plugin.* org.glassfish.comms.api.clb.plugin ?? Satish
org.jvnet.glassfish.comms.clb.plugin.* org.glassfish.comms.api.clb.plugin.* ?? Satish** AMX devtests Yamini** AMX devtests Yamini
com.erisson.eas.telurl.TelUrlResolver org.glassfish.comms.api.telurl.TelUrlResolver sip-stack classes, FTs Sankar
com.erisson.eas.telurl.TelUrlResolverException org.glassfish.comms.api.telurl.TelUrlResolverException sip-stack classes, FTs Sankar org.glassfish.comms.api.datacentric.DataCentricUtil sip-stack classes, FTs Pankaj
New API org.glassfish.commms.api.ModuleType No Impact Prasad

Note on org.glassfish.commms.api.ModuleType

This API is being introduced so that user need not refer to org.jvnet.glassfish.deployment.backend.SipArchiveDeployer for specifying the module type of a SIP module. Instead org.glassfish.commms.api.ModuleType.SIP can be used.