Open Issues Need to create an issue tracker item for each of these.
Issue |
Status |
How to model announcements? On the participant level or on the call/communication level? |
How to support hold (either by having a hold, or by moving a participant to a new call)? |
Statemodel of communication and participant. |
How to reject incoming calls / messages? |
How to access the SIP messages (for SDP or content manipulation)? |
Why have a getCurrentCommunication() on the session and not inject it with @Context Communication myCommunication? |
Allow the application to defined keys for participants and/or calls, to easier access specific participants from a communication or communications from a session? |
How to get the session/conversation etc from a 309 listener (and how to integrate 309 listeners with communcation beans, avoid fragmentation)? |
Provide some convenience 309-based participants, while hiding the 309 aspects? |
How to model MSRP mediagroups in 309? |
call.replaceparticpant(A,B) or call.removeParticpant(A);call.addParticipant(B); ? |
we should allow migration from call to conf....but should we also also migration back from a 2 party conf to a call? |
how to provide the "from" when contacting participants in a dial-out scenario? |
explicit or implicit leg creation for incoming calls? (or did we have a decision on this already???) |
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