3.1 default-config.xml template

3.1 default-config.xml template will be used in create-cluster command to create the cluster config. For example, create-cluster cluster1, will make a copy of default-config.xml and rename it to cluster1-config and be added to configs of domain.xml.


  • Diff on v2 server-config(red) vs v2 default-config(blue) in domain.xml
  • Diff on v2 server-config(red) vs v3 server-config(blue) in domain.xml
  • Proposed 3.1 default-config based on v3 server-config and using as a guide - the above diff on v2 server-config(red) vs v2 default-config(blue)
  • Draft 1 3.1 default-config.xml.pdf based on v2 default-config, with notes
  • Draft 2 3.1 default-config.xml with notes

Review Comments Draft 1 3.1 default-config.xml - March 30, 2010

ID Comment Owner Resolution Notes
1 (6)default-web-xml - Should this property be under virtual-server? Jennifer/Rajiv Yes GF v3 currently does not implement support for this property (that is, it is not possible to change the default-web-xml location from its default, which is domains/domain1/config/default-web.xml). I know there has been a customer escalation related to this, but I don't remember the details. (Jan)
2 (7)request-timeout-in-seconds - Does it get mapped in 3.1? Jennifer/web team  
3 (19)"simple" policy-provider - Should attributes be set as default values, and then removed from the element? Jennifer/Ron/Kumar Ron prefers to keep for clarity May be confusing to have "default" policy provider and "simple" policy provider with default values
4 (24)<jvm-options>-XX:MaxPermSize=192m</jvm-options> - This was in v2. It was marked as 'New in v3' in the draft Jennifer   This jvm option was not in the v2.x default-config.xml template in lib/install/templates, but it is in the actual domain.xml. How did it get there?
5 (25)<jvm-options>-client</jvm-options> - Change to -server? Jennifer Yes, change to -server. Keep -client for server-config. User -server for default-config for better performance in cluster env.
6 (26)-(28) -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions, -XX:+LogVMOutput, -XX:LogFile=${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/logs/jvm.log Are they needed? What are they for?   Yes, keep They are used for thread dump and jvm log (Byron)
7 (29) modules\endorsed - How to make it work for v2 upgrade? Jerome   There are files for JAXB and web services in modules\endorsed. Issue 11753
8 (30)-(32)-Dcom.sun.enterprise.security.httpsOutboundKeyAlias, -Djavax.net.ssl.keyStore, -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore - Marked as 'New in v3'. If it's not there in v2 what will happen in 3.1? Jennifer/Ron   Not new in V3. Were also present in V2. Used to locate keystore and truststore. (Kumar) (30) and (31) are in the actual cluster domain.xml, but not in the lib/install/templates/default-config.xml. (32) required only when app creates outbound SSL connection. How do they get in domain.xml?
9 (33),(34) Remove RMI options Jennifer Remove  
10 (35) -Djava.ext.dirs - Add back configName Jennifer   configName dir is not listed in the actual v2 domain.xml, so left it out for now.
11 (36) antlr jvm option - If missing in v2 what happens in v3? Who uses? Jennifer/Rajiv/Kin-man Already being added by V2ToV3ConfigUpgrade.java Did search for this jvm option. Found in V2ToV3ConfigUpgrade.java in admin/server-mgmt, which adds this option. Issue 11753
12 (36) taglib jvm options - Not needed anymore? If set will it be ignored in 3.1? Jennifer/Ryan Leave out Correct, they're no longer used in 3.x. 3.x uses a different approach to discover taglibs and the listeners declared in them. Yes, they would be ignored. (Jan)
13 (37)-(44) osgi jvm options - not needed in default-config Jennifer Remove from default-config  
14 (37)-(44) osgi jvm options - upgrade scenario? Jerome/Sahoo/Byron   Issue 11753
15 (45) Highlight the attribute value differences Jennifer done  
16 (46) thread-pool - Use one under thread-pools or network-listeners Jennifer Keep thread-pool under thread-pools. Remove thread-pool from network-listeners in glassfish, they should live under <thread-pools> like they did in v2. The schema supports them under network-listeners because grizzly-config supports being used outside of glassfish. We'd hoped to only reference them there but Jerome and/or Bill didn't want to move those (partly because the EJB/ORB modules use thread-pool but not yet grizzly-config itself) so the schema supports both locations. At start up, glassfish should detect the thread-pool nodes under network-listeners and move them to the v3 location.
17 Don't put default-config in domain.xml. Put in lib/templates. create-cluster will read-in and write out to domain.xml. What about v2 upgrade? and customized default-config?     Issue 11753
