Simple Rails App

  1. Checkout and Build v3 workspace following TOTD33. Alternatively get the latest build from Hudson
  2. Download JRuby from here and unzip.
  3. Install Rails as "jruby -S gem install rails"
  4. Create a new app as "jruby -S rails test -d mysql"
  5. Install MySQL and start as "mysqld_safe --user root"
  6. Create application database (in application directory) as "jruby -S rake db:create"
  7. Start v3 as "java -DJRUBY_HOME=<JRUBY_HOME> -jar modules//glassfish-10.0-SNAPSHOT.jar"
  8. Deploy the app as "asadmin deploy test"
  9. View the main page "http://localhost:8080/test".

The main application page should show the default Rails page instead it is redirected to localhost:8080/index.html.