RADK Project

Performance and Benchmarks

Some of the important highlights in the performance of RADK are illustrated in the following section.

Seamless User interface

The user interface of RADK works seamlessly without any performance issues. Proper validation messages and error messages are thrown to the end user whenever necessary. The time-slice between the transitions of screens is very low and negligible. In addition, it allows the user to create any number of RESTful applications without exiting.

End to end automation

RADK automates the code generation, building, deploying of a three tier JEE application, which is commendable. Developing, building, and deploying a JEE application in a real time environment always consumes reasonable amount of time and needs some commendable effort. This tool kit makes the creation of RESTful JEE application as easy as possible. Although NetBeans IDE has different wizards for generating EJB 3.0 entities, session beans, and RESTful WebServices, it does not provide end to end automation in code generation, building, and deploying of a JEE application. In addition, RADK generates a web 2.0 UI for the end user to perform the CRUD operations, which is not available in NetBeans IDE.

Sophisticated Management of DB connections

RADK manages the MySQL DB connection in a sophisticated way. All the DB pools and JNDI name for the DB resources are created automatically for a new DB connection. In addition, frequent opening and closing of a DB connection is prevented by saving the metadata of the DB schema in Collections data structure. This technique offers a heavy boost in performance.
RADK Project