RADK Project
RESTful Application Development Kit
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By Jorge Edison Lascano, Sadeesh Kumar Jayakumaran and Swapnil Merchant Most of the web applications around the world involve databases where Create, Read, Update and Delete (CRUD) operations are mandatory; hence it is imperative that web application developers consider db schemas in order to develop applications. In such cases, starting from scratch and doing repetitive work is not productive and does not facilitate rapid applications development (RAD). Although, several Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) enable the auto generation of CRUD operations, they do not have the capability for auto generation of a web application from back-end to front-end. This is where the RADK (RESTful Application Development Kit) comes in. RADK is an open source toolkit that can generate web applications based on the RESTful API architecture for a given database schema. The important features of RADK are auto code generation and pagination for CRUD operations. To achieve its purpose, firstly this toolkit will generate the server side JPA (Java Persistence API) classes from a MySQL db schema; secondly, it will generate RESTful APIs from the persistence classes; thirdly, it will generate the necessary web GUI forms with Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX) support; and finally, the application will be built using Apache Ant and deployed in the Glassfish Application Server. Besides, some of the future enhancements could be providing search, list, summary, and graph generation capabilities. In conclusion, RADK will save time and cost for the end user by achieving 100% automation in developing, building, deploying, and running a web application that provides CRUD operations.%%
RADK Project