GlassFish 3.1 - Start/Stop Instance

4. Start Instance

We will need a updated version of start-instance command that works locally. The server instance will need to read the correct configuration (not server-config) and come up with appropriate settings.

For exmple,

% asadmin start-instance 
          --host <dashost> 
          --port <4848> 
          --user <admin> 
          --passwordfile <pass.txt> 

XXX --host, --port can be optional in 3.1 if we save DAS's co-ordinates ?
XXX --syncinstance can control synchronization behavior of an instance

4.1 Stop Instance

We will need a variant of stop-instance command that works locally.

XXX --host, --port can be optional in 3.1 ?

4.2 Start/Stop Cluster

No support for start-cluster, stop-cluster commands since there is not node-agent in 3.1.
