How To Run/Add Netbean-AppServer Plugin Test WITH Python and Mercurial

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  1. Version Requirement (for Solaris)
    Mercurial 1.0.1 and Python 2.2.4
    (click at the link to download the packages. Use pkgadd -d <package name> command to install the python and mercurial to /usr/bin directory)
    If you have Solaris 10 Update 4 machine then you don't need to install the Python since it was bundled with the OS
  2. Getting a Working Copy (Clone the Netbean Repository)
    1. Run command
      $hg clone
    2. Configure your user name and write access to configuration files
      Edit ../main/.hg/hgrc and add lines. The following texts ui, http_proxy and paths has to be in square braces. ~UWC_TOKEN_START~1278952397271~UWC_TOKEN_END
      (Replace jhacker with your username. Replace secretpass with your password and with your proxy server if you have one)
      For full mercurial instruction please visit
  3. Build netbean (j2ee and xtest modules)
    1. $cd main
    2. $ant
      To build for all modules Or (just to build j2ee module as)
    3. $cd main
    4. $ant -f nbbuild/build.xml -Dcluster.config=j2ee
  4. Execute test (resources, webapp and ejb/jsf) modules
    1. $ant -f j2ee.sun.appsrv81/build.xml -Dtest-qa-functional-sys-prop.sjsas.server.path=/opt/SUNWappserver911 test
      /opt/SUNWappserver911 where you installed the AppServer 911 or Sailfin
      This will execute the unit and qa-functional tests associated with the project.
    2. ($rm -rf work results / asadmin stop-domain / asadmin start-domain)