To Do List

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Owner Item Submitter
JD Refactor HK2 code with services/lookup integration JD
KK set up GFv3 continuous build KK
KK automate snapshot deployment KK
KK explain proxy set up for Sun employees KK
KK post docs for gf:run KK
KK JCP APIs have non-snapshot version numbers in it KK
KK GF checkout fails with "password required" error. Find out why KK
KK make GF v3 runs with JDK 6, with jaxb support (see below 1 ) KK
KK support token expansion in config file KK
KK redo HTTP adapters in new config scheme KK
KK define mini DOM and do lazy instantiation of config objects KK
JFA make GF v3 runs with Grizzly 1.5.1 JFA
JFA Improve GrizzlyAdapter JFA


JD : Jerome Dochez
KK : Kohsuke Kawaguchi

(1) When running GF with JDK 6, I get
classloader, but this RI (from jar:file:/home/ldp2/.m2/repository/com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-impl/2.1-SNAPSHOT/jaxb- impl-2.1-SNAPSHOT.jar!/com/sun/xml/bind/v2/model/impl/ModelBuilder.class) needs 2.1 API. Use the endorsed directory mechanism to place jaxb-api.jar in the bootstrap classloader. (See
at com.sun.xml.bind.v2.model.impl.ModelBuilder.<clinit>(