Test Plan for SIP plugin for Netbeans

NetBeans 6.0 Beta2
Sailfin builds, use cluster and not cluster profiles.


  1. Install Sip enabled Glassfish distribution. Add this AS under NB Runtime/Servers.
  2. Start/Stop AS through NB.
  3. Install Sip Application Development Support Plugin nbm (i.e. org-netbeans-modules-sun-sip.nbm) through the Update Center globally and locally.
  4. Uninstall Sip nbm through Module manager.
  5. Test the installations/uninstalations at least on one Solaris, one Linux, one Windows machines (rotate the OS versions).
  6. Upgrade
    1. start NB with a clean user directory.
    2. install a "previous" version of the sip app dev module.
    3. install the current version of the sip app dev module.

Create/Execute web projects that were created with "Converged Sip Application Framework"

  1. Create a new web application using "Converged Sip Application Framework"
  2. Add a Sip Servlet. sip.xml is created but it is not populated automatically after a Sip Servlet is added. Populate sip.xml manually in NB editor, for example:

    (This step will be changed later: "the user will be creating JSR289 applications, that are annotation based", so far not implemented)
  3. Add a listener, using sip listener template.
  4. Build the project.
  5. Deploy this "empty " SIP project to SailFin build.
    1. Check that this SIP application is seen under SIP item at Services tab Servers/AS/Applications
    2. Open the correspondent project URL in the browser.
  6. Execute for the project:
    1. Deploy/Undeploy
    2. Run (a browser has to be opened with a correct URL).
    3. Debug, debug window has to be started.
    4. Profile
  7. Undeoploy SIP sample from AS in Services tab
  8. Open as project in NB samples. Build , deploy to AS and execute them.
    • CallSetup sample
    • ClickToDial sample (or any other samples)
  9. Create a new project using Converged Sip Application Framework. Add to this project the source code of the workable SIP application. Build, deploy, run such project.
  10. Check NB Help, I believe that during sip nbm installation has to be added SIP information to the NB Help.

SIP Test Agent

  1. Install SIP Test agent, check that there were no errors during the installation.
  2. Open "Request" window and send all default requests. Check, using Sailfin log file, that requests were really sent.
  3. Deploy to Sailfin a SIP application that works as UAS. Make in Sailfin FINEST Sip Container loggin level. Generate a sequence of the requests that imitates a normal UAC session, for example: REGISTER, INVITE, ACK, MESSAGE, BYE. Check, based on the Sailfin log file, that all requests generated correct responses from Sailfin. Compare this UAC-UAS dialog with UAC-UAS dialog where as UAC was used not a SIP Test Agent, but the real tool, for example Windows Messenger, if to Sailfin was deployed an echo sample: http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-06-2006/jw-0619-sip.html
  4. Open Request window and in Headers panel
    1. Add and Remove headers
    2. Change the values of the headers
  5. Open Response window and in Headers panel
    1. Add and Remove headers
    2. Change the values of the headers
  6. Check in Request and Response panels that OK and CANCEL buttons work properly.
  7. Open SIP Test Agent Window and check that buttons on the right side: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, Request, 200 OK, Response, Copy Message generate adequate responses.
  8. Open Response Window and send one by one all responses. Check, using Sailfin log file, that responses were really sent.
  9. Monitor NB log and a terminal window, where NB was started. Check that there were no SIP Test Agent related errors or warnings.


  1. Check all available documents:


  1. File bugs at https://sailfin.java.net/issues/
  2. Log files have to be monitored
    • Always monitor NB messages log file.
    • AS server.log file