Test Plan for SIP plugin for Netbeans Versions: NetBeans 6.0 Beta2 Sailfin builds, use cluster and not cluster profiles. Installation/Uninstallation
- Install Sip enabled Glassfish distribution. Add this AS under NB Runtime/Servers.
- Start/Stop AS through NB.
- Install Sip Application Development Support Plugin nbm (i.e. org-netbeans-modules-sun-sip.nbm) through the Update Center globally and locally.
- Uninstall Sip nbm through Module manager.
- Test the installations/uninstalations at least on one Solaris, one Linux, one Windows machines (rotate the OS versions).
- Upgrade
- start NB with a clean user directory.
- install a "previous" version of the sip app dev module.
- install the current version of the sip app dev module.
Create/Execute web projects that were created with "Converged Sip Application Framework"
- Create a new web application using "Converged Sip Application Framework"
- Add a Sip Servlet. sip.xml is created but it is not populated automatically after a Sip Servlet is added. Populate sip.xml manually in NB editor, for example:
(This step will be changed later: "the user will be creating JSR289 applications, that are annotation based", so far not implemented)
- Add a listener, using sip listener template.
- Build the project.
- Deploy this "empty " SIP project to SailFin build.
- Check that this SIP application is seen under SIP item at Services tab Servers/AS/Applications
- Open the correspondent project URL in the browser.
- Execute for the project:
- Deploy/Undeploy
- Run (a browser has to be opened with a correct URL).
- Debug, debug window has to be started.
- Profile
- Undeoploy SIP sample from AS in Services tab
- Open as project in NB samples. Build , deploy to AS and execute them.
- CallSetup sample
- ClickToDial sample (or any other samples)
- Create a new project using Converged Sip Application Framework. Add to this project the source code of the workable SIP application. Build, deploy, run such project.
- Check NB Help, I believe that during sip nbm installation has to be added SIP information to the NB Help.
SIP Test Agent
- Install SIP Test agent, check that there were no errors during the installation.
- Open "Request" window and send all default requests. Check, using Sailfin log file, that requests were really sent.
- Deploy to Sailfin a SIP application that works as UAS. Make in Sailfin FINEST Sip Container loggin level. Generate a sequence of the requests that imitates a normal UAC session, for example: REGISTER, INVITE, ACK, MESSAGE, BYE. Check, based on the Sailfin log file, that all requests generated correct responses from Sailfin. Compare this UAC-UAS dialog with UAC-UAS dialog where as UAC was used not a SIP Test Agent, but the real tool, for example Windows Messenger, if to Sailfin was deployed an echo sample: http://www.javaworld.com/javaworld/jw-06-2006/jw-0619-sip.html
- Open Request window and in Headers panel
- Add and Remove headers
- Change the values of the headers
- Open Response window and in Headers panel
- Add and Remove headers
- Change the values of the headers
- Check in Request and Response panels that OK and CANCEL buttons work properly.
- Open SIP Test Agent Window and check that buttons on the right side: ACK, BYE, CANCEL, Request, 200 OK, Response, Copy Message generate adequate responses.
- Open Response Window and send one by one all responses. Check, using Sailfin log file, that responses were really sent.
- Monitor NB log and a terminal window, where NB was started. Check that there were no SIP Test Agent related errors or warnings.