Getting Started

The Eclipse plugin is hosted in a project.

The active code for the plugin is here:

There are four plugin/features:

1. a server adapter (

2. a 'run-time' (currently 3.1.1) :

   When 3.1.2 ships, we will need to convert this to a runtime plugin with 3.1.2 inside it

3. the Java EE 5 javadoc:

4. the Java EE 6 javadoc:

These get sliced and diced into a number of update sites...
  indigo/WTP, juno/WTP, indigo-based OEPE (oepe.updateside), the next indigo-based OEPE (asgard-indigo.updatesite) and asgard-juno (OEPE based on Juno)

To build the whole lot, you need svn to get the code and maven 3 to do the build.

The build creates projects for multiple version of Eclipse, but the default one (the one built by typing `mvn install`) is for the upcoming juno release.

There are two hudson jobs associated with this project:

The builder :

  this builds all the various flavors of the GF/Eclipse integration.  

The publisher : takes the bits and pushes them to*

Both of these Hudson jobs are triggered manually.

Task List

This list follows the model of the [task list for the NetBeans integration{+}|GfinNB70TaskList]+. The list isn't tied to a release, so this can grow.

I want this to be fairly light weight and still useful as a reference for communication.

Since I want to keep this list as a reference point for discussions, I want to make sure that edits happen in a way that preserve the identifiers across updates.

Editing Rules

There are a couple simple rules that folks need to follow to make this possible:

  1. Add items at the 'end' of list or sub-list... not in the middle. So, if you add a 'top level item' do it at the end of the document. The same holds true for adding a sub-item... Adding sublists is an easy way to avoid breaking this rule...
  2. No items are to be deleted. If you need to delete an item use the strikethrough ccs directive. And put a note about why the item is struck through... There is an exception to this rule... you can delete an item from the list if it does not affect the numbering of items that follow it. This basically means the last item in a list or sub-list.
  3. Use the ccs directive to color text as green when you consider the item to be done/ready for testing by QA. %%(color: green text that needs to be colored%% Please add a link to any 'cross reference' that makes sense for an item when you mark it as completed. An obvious cross reference would be a link to the commit/commits that you think 'close' this item.
  4. I expect folks to edit this list to communicate the work that they are doing or think they will be doing to support Glassfish and SailFin in Eclipse. If you are working on a task and think of subtasks that aren't called out, take the minute to add them to the document. That way folks can get a feel for the status by comparing green to black elements in the list.

To Do

  1. Deploy OSGi bundle/project to v3
    Owner: VBK
    Due: ??
  2. Wizards for Java EE 6 artifacts
    Owner: RR
    Due: v3 ship
    1. WebServlet
      Projected date: ??
      more info
    2. EJB in Dynamic Web Project
      Projected date: ??
    3. JAX-RS
      Projected date: ??
  3. v3/Eclipse 3.5 Bundle
    Owner: ??
  4. Deployment to remote instances
    1. Register remote instance - Issue 22
      Owner: RR
    2. Deployer
      1. v2
        jsr88 or asadmin
      2. v3
        1. File upload with POST (or PUT)
  5. TPTP integration - Issue 126
    Owner: VBK
  6. Galileo
    Owner: RR
    Due: Galileo ship
  7. Resource Wizards - Issue 42, Issue 43, and Issue 51
    Owner: RR and ND
    1. Mail Wizard Done : 09/17 - ND
    2. JMS Wizard Done : 09/17 - ND
  1. Deploy a service provider jar
    Owner: VBK
    Due: ??
    Support the development of a custom AR
  2. SailFin feature
    Owner: VBK
    Due: shortly after 1.1 Bundle ships
  3. Wizards for JSR289 artifacts
    Owner: RR
    1. SIP Servlet
    2. Sip Listener
    3. sip.xml
  4. SIP testing
    Owner: VBK
    Due: after 1.1 bundle ships
  5. Integrate JSR289 JavaDoc
    Owner: vbk
    Due: after 1.1 bundle