GlassFish V3 - Runtime Management TP2 Tasks

Common for all Tasks:

  • For TP2, the supported target is th default server.
  • All the commands are dependenct on Config. Additional dependencies are specified per command.

Need Clarification:

  • Do we access config directly or thru AMX ?
  • Do all the CLI commands have to be exposed thru AMX also ?
ID Task Owner Date Done ? Dependencies/Comments
A13 Reinstate Runtime MBean Infrastructure Sreeni 28mar08 No HK2 - @companinon objects Infrastructure - config. variables Application Management - JSR77 mBeans Resources - JSR77 mBeans GUI - OEM Pluggable Interface
RT-CLI-04 Implementation for create/delete/list-jdbc-connection-pool Jennifer 29feb08 No  
RT-CLI-05 Implementation for create/delete/list-jdbc-resource Jennifer 29feb08 No JDBC back end support, Options supported ?
RT-CLI-08 Implementation for create/delete/list-system-properties Harpreet 29feb08 No Since we wont have cluster or multi-instance support, Do we need this for TP2 ?
RT-CLI-03 create/delete/list-javamail-resource(NTH) Harpreet 29feb08 No Java Mail back end support, Options Supported ?
RT-CLI-02 Implementation for create/delete/list-http-listener Rajeshwar 29feb08 No
RT-CLI-09 create/delete/list-virtual-server Rajeshwar 29feb08 No
RT-CLI-12 ping-connection-pool Sreeni 29feb08 No JDBC Resource
RT-CLI-06 create/delete/list-jvm-options Sreeni 29feb08 No Does it make sense for TP2 ?
RT-CLI-10 generate-jvm-report Sreeni 29feb08 No Do we need this for TP2, Talk to Kedar/Jane
RT-CLI-01 add-resources Prashant 29feb08 No Need proper validation and error reporting for this command. Isolating the scope of resources (Tieing them to a particular app)
RT-CLI-07 create/delete/list-profiler Prashant 29feb08 No Does it make sense for TP2 ?
RT-CLI-11 monitor (NTH) Prashant 29feb08 No may NOT do it, since we are trying to do monitoring in a better way, we might have a different output here