Updatecenter 2.0 Integration

GF v3 TP2 Integration Requirements

This is the list of interfaces and features which need to be defined and implemented to enable the integration of UC 2.0 Milestone 4 into GFv3 TP2 installation.

Feature/Interface Comments
Defined File Layout We need to decide on combined GF/UC file layout of GFv3 TP2 distribution which will include UC 2.0 client. Current file layout proposal is acceptable, with the caveat that we might need to fall back on having ant component in its current location under glassfish installation directory in case of major issues.
Desktop Integration GFv3 installer needs to know the command used to start tray notifier process on Windows (and other platforms if supported). Integration of this command into platform specific desktop startup hook will be done by GFv3 installer.
UC Client Bootstrap Need Java API for client bootstrap.
UC Client Update Check Configuration Need interface to pass opt in/opt out values for automatic update check. Also, UC client configuration file should ideally be moved out of user's home directory and into main UC client directory structure.
UC Client Proxy Configuration Need interface to set proxy settings. GFv3 TP2 installer will do the best effort to detect system proxy values and pass them to UC client configuration.

Remaining Issues as of 04/02/2008

  • GlassFish V3 IPS packages need to be modified to use glassfish (or glassfishv3) as top level directory instead of usr/glassfish (which should be used only for Indiana integration). This means that we might need to maintain separate sets of bundled and unbundled packages. Owners: Dinesh/Terena.
  • Internal UC repository needs to be recreated using UC 2.0 server zip file as baseline content (this stages pkg tools and its dependencies plus updatetool) and GF v3 IPS packages should then be added to that repository. Also, we need to adjust to UC defined handling of OS specific repository content and define appropriate URLs in default package database config file. Owners: Dinesh/Terena/Snjezana.
  • Integration of latest UC bootstrap jar changes into V3 installer is pending. Owner: Snjezana
  • Integration of UC notifier interface also pending. Owner: Snjezana
  • Remaining file layout issues. Will discuss at meeting on Friday, 04/04.

Using Update Center for GlassFish v3
