Loadbalancer Administration User Experience Attendees: Ken Paulsen, Vince Kraemer, Siraj Ghaffar, Satish Viswanatham, Jagadesh Babu Munta, Anissa Lam, Varun Rupela, Shing Wai Chan, Mike Wright, Jane Young Summary:
- LB Plugin Installation
- Absence of installer in GlassFish is a pain for LB plugin installation since it involved many steps. Recommend to use the Java Application Platform Suite installer in the mean time. See Satish's blog.
- Generating loadbalancer.xml
- Use configure-http-lb-config command to generate the loadbalancer.xml. This xml is used by the LB plugin.
- Example - asadmin configure-http-lb-config -target cluster1-lb-config "C:\loadbalancer.xml"
- This command is not working in M1. Refer to bug 6186848.
- We should allow user to download the loadbalancer.xml in the client host similar to how we treat client jar in deployment.
- User may also use Admin GUi to generate the loadbalancer.xml (see slide 10)
- User will not be able to enable applications now. Refer to bug 6347791.
- Admin GUI team may not be able to fix this bug by M2. We should clarify this in our milestone definition.
- We should allow user to name and save this file locally. Current experience is not very friendly.
- Auto Apply of Changes
- SSL setup is not working. We need to fix this. Harsha looked at using Web Server 7. The setup is simpler.
- We should disable "Apply Changes Now" button when DAS can not communicate with LB.
- Auto Apply should not be enabled by default. In the DTD, it is false.
- Misc
- Slide 7 refers to HADB which is available in Java ES Bundle only. GlassFish has support for in-memory replication. Larry White will talk about this feature on Oct 18, 2006.
- ANT target "setup-one-machine-cluster" sometimes hangs. Recommend using asadmin command to create the node-agent. Cluster can be created easily in GUI. For example,
- asadmin start-domain --user admin --passwordfile <path-to-password-file> domain1
- asadmin create-node-agent --user admin --passwordfile <path-to-password-file> --port 4848 na1
- Default master password is "changeit".
- asadmin start-node-agent --user admin --passwordfile <path-to-password-file> --startinstances=false na1
- Log on to Administration GUI to create cluster, etc. Use https://localhost:4848. Default user name and password is "admin"/"adminadmin".
- Setup instructions need to be updated. Satish has sent the information to Dinesh.
Action Items:
- Need EE Quick Start Guide in GlassFish - Ann Hillesland, Carla Mott
- Need clustering documentation in GlassFish - Hanan Lang, Carla Mott
- Module page for Loadbalancer Administration is missing in GlassFish - Satish
- Update current setup instructions - Dinesh, Satish
- Blocking bugs for this feature.
- Bug 6186848 - configure-http-lb-config is not working - Satish
- Bug# 6347791 - lb-enable/disable of application is missing in gui. - Anissa
- Bug# 6461739 - Stickiness is not maintained in the second cluster. - Pankaj
- Bug# 6340518 - SSL setup - loadbalaner plugin installation with Sun's Web Server. - Satish
- Fix "setup-one-machine-cluster" hang issues. - Dinesh
- File an RFE for installer in GlassFish - Varun
- Refer to issue number 1040
- Allow user to save loadbalancer.xml into the local machine from browser - Anissa
- Allow user to download the loadbalancer.xml into the local machine in configure-http-lb-config command - Satish
- Clarify M2 definition if bug 6347791 can not be fixed - Anissa
- Disable "Auto Apply Change" when DAS can not contact LB - Anissa