Resolved Comments for the Upgrade and Migration Guide

The following table lists comments that have been resolved for the v3 Upgrade and Migration Guide.

Comment ID Date Version Section, Page Number/URL Comment  
tjquinn-001 24-Nov-2009 v3 p. 13, last paragraph Not only should users retrieve the stubs again after upgrading the server, they should also upgrade the GlassFish system files on their client. They can use the ''package-appclient' script which creates a JAR file which users can then expand on their remote systems.  
tjquinn-002 24-Nov-2009 v3 p. 14, reviewer remark 1-2: The two paragraphs which follow can remain. We still do not support cross-version interop. with the RMI-IIOP protocol as far as I know. But the question is really moot because of tjquinn-001 - users need the v3 runtime system files on their remote clients anyway, and they include the v3 RMI-IIOP bits.  

The following table lists comments that have been resolved for earlier releases of the Upgrade and Migration Guide.

Comment ID Section, Page Number/URL Comment Status – (RESOLVED/UNRESOLVED)
1 Table 2-2, page 32 change "-V" to "-V or -v" ; support for -v option was added - one of the issues in

2 Table 2-2, page 32 remove w/adminpassword entry. This option is deprecated. Use -f/-passwordfile instead. RESOLVED
3 Table 2-2, page 32 remove m/masterpassword. This option is deprecated. Use -f/-passwordfile instead. RESOLVED
4 Table 2-2, page 32 Add f/-passwordfile entry. This option is currently missing. RESOLVED
5 Table 2-2, page 32 Remove entries -d, -n, -e, -j and -p . These options are related to certificate migration which is not supported. RESOLVED
6 Table 2-2, page 32 Remove i/-clinstances. Only present in 7.x but 7.x -> 9.1 upgrade not supported RESOLVED
7 Upgrade Tool Interfaces, page 28 Add -c option must be the first option on command line to use asupgrade's CLI RESOLVED
8 Upgrade Rollback, page 30 How does one cancel an upgrade in CLI mode ? Might have to document that it only applies when GUI is used. RESOLVED
9 To Upgrade from the Command Line, page 31 Remove options from command line(no longer used): --domain, --adminpassword, --masterpassword, --targetnsspwdfile, --nsspwdfile, --jkspwdfile, --capwdfile, --clinstancefiles RESOLVED
10 To Upgrade from the Command Line, page 32 After table 2-2 (or somewhere) add text to note about detailed usage summary. RESOLVED
11 Example 2, page 33 Remove/modify example since options are unsupported. RESOLVED
12 To Upgrade using the Upgrade Tool Wizard, page 33 This entire section needs to be modified to match the corresponding help window. Many of steps have been removed. RESOLVED
13 To Upgrade a Cluster, page 34 cliinstance.conf applies to 7.X which is not supported for upgrading. So much of this section needs to be removed. RESOLVED
14 Upgrade Terminology, page 29 On Windows, AS_DEF_DOMAINS is defined in asenv.bat (there is no asconf.env). Show file name for each OS. RESOLVED

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