Use Of JDMK Runtime and JMX Remote From OpenDMKAt present the GlassFish application server uses jdmk run time (jdmkrt.jar) and jmxremote_optional.jar from commercial vbersion of jdmk. The jdmkrt.jar is used for cascading of instance mBeans on to DAS. While jmxremote_optional.jar is used for jmx remote connectivity. With the open sourcing of JDMK, above jars are made available as part of OpenDMK. To take advantage of this and in the effort towards making GlassFish Application Server all open source project the existing jdmkrt.jar and jmxremote_optional.jar will be used from OpenDMK. To address the above following bugs have been created and integrated. Use of both the above jars is local to application server, in other words this is a private interface and not exposed for external use. The classes from these jars are NOT exposed to the users of application server, they are required for correct functioning of the application server. |