New Bugs/RFEs Submission Criteria The following is a list of "type" of new issues/rfe's that will be considered for inclusion in v2.1
- Security Issues
- Critical Issues (as agreed by the module lead and the approval owners)
- Issues with no workaround or significant costs to workaround
- Issues that are pain points for customers
- Issues that are pain points for adoption
- Spec Compliance Issues
This list is just a general guideline, we will weigh each issue individually. As we get nearer the release, the type of issues/rfes will be narrowed down to minimize risk to the release. New Bugs/RFEs Submission Requirements: Please respond to the questions below and send a mail to the approval owners to get an approval to checkin. Approved issues will be marked as 911Approved in the status whiteboard of the issue.
- Justification of why the changes are required :
- Scope of change :
- What are the jar files added/changed?
- Config changes? How does it affect upgrade?
- Does it rev up the version of an existing API which will impact potentially SailFin?
- What existing components of AS use this? (for ex admin, deployment, synchronization, security)
- Impact to release :
- Major/Minor
- Testing impact if adding any functionality
- Impact on CTS/Docs/Perf
- Integration
- Schedule of when change will be committed:
- Confidence level that the fix won't negatively effect other components :
Approval Owners
Check in guidelines for submitting bug fixes Check In Guidelines for SailFin Branch