March 15, 2010 Byron Nevins – Research on V2 Clustering Behavior

See the next installment here

  1. I created a brand spanking new V2 domain.
  2. I added a stand-alone instance, "ui1", with the minimal required args – i.e. only --nodeagent
    1. It copies the entire "default-config" over to a new config named "ui1-config"
    2. The default config has 7 system props lines for ports. E.g.
      1. system-property name="HTTP_LISTENER_PORT" value="38080"
    3. For this first instance – it uses (inherits) the 7 port assignments. I.e. they are NOT mentioned inside ui1-config
  3. I added a second stand-alone instance, "ui2". It does the same copying over of the default config – including he exact same 7 sys props.
  4. For this second instance, all 7 ports are overridden in the server element for ui2.
  5. Note that all apps marked as "system-all" have references added to EVERY new config element
  6. Conclusion: the create-instance has some smarts and by default prevents port conflicts.
  7. Removed both instances and repeated above but using a new cluster, "c1"

March 17, 2010

Here are the simplified elements of interest that you get from these commands:

  1. asadmin create-node-agent na1
  2. asadmin create-cluster c1
  3. asadmin create-instance --nodeagent na1 i1
  4. asadmin create-instance --nodeagent na1 --cluster c1 ci1

And below is how everything gets hooked-up in domain.xml

<server name="i1" config-ref="i1-config" node-agent-ref="na1".../>
<server name="ci1" config-ref="ci1-config" node-agent-ref="na1".../>
<config name="i1-config".../>
<config name="ci1-config".../>
<config name="c1-config".../>
<cluster name="c1" config-ref="c1-config"...>
   <server-ref ref="ci1"...>


Diff from adding a node agent
Diff from adding a stand-alone instance
Diff from adding a second stand-alone instance