GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 3.1 - Deployment


Feature-ID Priority Description Eng Response Owner(s) Estimate (Man Days) Source of Requirement Status / Comments
DPLY-001 P1 Cluster deployment Yes Hong/Tim 40 Feature parity Dynamic deployment to cluster, Rolling Upgrade (see v2.1.1 docs )
DPLY-002 P1 Support for application commands in clustering environment Yes Hong/Tim 15 Feature parity New commands: create-application-ref, delete-application-ref, list-application-refs, etc. Existing commands: create-lifecycle-module, delete-lifecycle-module, list-lifecycle-modules, deploy, undeploy, enable, disable, deploydir, redeploy, list-components, list-sub-components, show-component-status, list-applications, etc.
DPLY-003 P1 Deployment performance Yes Tim 15 Feature parity 1) No regression from GlassFish Server Open Source Edition v3 for developer use-cases 2) No regression from GlassFish Server Open Source Edition v2.x for cluster deployment use-cases
DPLY-004 P2 Support WebLogic DD in GlassFish Yes Hong/Tim 25   Responsible for the framework level changes and weblogic-application.xml and weblogic-application-client.xml elements. Need to figure out tool dependency/schedule.
DPLY-005 P2 Rename sun-* DD to glassfish-* Yes Hong 10   Responsible for the deployment descriptor dtds
DPLY-006 P2 Deployment infrastructure support for other modules Yes Hong 20   sun-resources.xml etc
DPLY-007 P3 Application versioning Yes SERLI/Hong/Tim 40   Hong/Tim help with high level design discussions and code review, SERLI responsible for implementation
DPLY-008 P3 DTrace probes Maybe Hong      

Milestone Schedule

Item # Date/Milestone Feature-ID Description QA/Docs Handover Status / Comments
1. Milestone 1 (05/24) DPLY-001 Synchronization related work No Completed
2. Milestone 1 (05/24) DPLY-004 Basic deployment framework level support for plugging in the processing of weblogic deployment descriptors to allow other subteams to starting working on their areas No Completed
3. Milestone 1 (05/24) DPLY-005 Deployment framework level support to rename the sun specific deployment descriptor No Completed
4. Milestone 1 (05/24) DPLY-007 Support versioning for the basic application commands (deploy/undeploy/enable/disable) Yes (No QA coverage for P3 feature?) Completed
5. Milestone 2 (06/21) DPLY-001 Support the basic clustering deployment or provide workaround to allow other sub teams to start working on their clustering requirements No Completed
6. Milestone 2 (06/21) DPLY-007 Support versioning for the rest PE application commands (list-application/list-components --verbose, show-component-status, list-sub-components, get-client-stubs) Yes Completed
7. Milestone 3 (07/19) DPLY-001 Clustering deployment support (advanced features and corner cases will be handled in later milestones) Yes Completed
8. Milestone 3 (07/19) DPLY-002 Support new application commands in clustering environment Yes Completed
9. Milestone 3 (07/19) DPLY-002 Support existing application commands in clustering environment Yes Completed
10. Milestone 3 (07/19) DPLY-006 Deployment infrastructure support for other modules No On-going
11. Milestone 3 (07/19) DPLY-007 Other non-clustering related work. Support versioning for autodeploy/JSR88. And other changes related to directory deployment, JWS and OSGi. No Completed
12. Milestone 4 (08/18) DPLY-001 Remaining tasks on clustering deployment (advanced features, corner cases) Yes Completed
13. Milestone 4 (08/18) DPLY-001 Rolling Upgrade (application part of the commands) Yes Completed
14. Milestone 4 (08/18) DPLY-004 Partial support for weblogic-application.xml Yes Completed
15. Milestone 4 (08/18) DPLY-004 Remaining tasks on the deployment framework to support WebLogic deployment descriptors (expose WebLogic DD to GUI/tools and error handling etc) No Completed
16. Milestone 4 (08/18) DPLY-005 Specific changes in each area to rename the sun specific deployment descriptor Yes Completed
17. Milestone 4 (08/18) DPLY-007 Support versioning in clustering environment Yes Completed
18. Milestone 5 (09/14) DPLY-003 Deployment performance No On-going
19. Milestone 5 (09/14) DPLY-007 Expose versioning through GUI No Completed
20. Milestone 5 (09/14) DPLY-007 Remaining tasks and advanced feature of application versioning No Completed
21. Milestone 5 (09/14) DPLY-008 DTrace probes Yes Completed
22. Milestone 6 (11/22)   Fix P1-P3 bugs No Started

Task List

Task Target Milestone Start Date End Date Owner(s) Feature-ID Status / Comments
Synchronization related work Milestone 1 (05/24)     Tim DPLY-001 Completed
Work with Vijay to make sure the deploy command could fit into the command replication framework and instance deploy command could receive various payload params as expected Milestone 2 (06/21)   6/4 Tim DPLY-001 Completed
Work with Vijay to make sure redeploy/undeploy commands could fit into the command replication framework Milestone 2 (06/21)     Hong DPLY-001 Completed
Work with container teams to skip artifacts regeneration on instance side Milestone 2 (06/21)     Hong DPLY-001 Completed
Implement the instance deploy command to do instance side of partial deployment Milestone 2 (06/21)     Hong DPLY-001 Completed
Support JSR88 deployment in clustering environment Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-001 Completed
Support directory deployment in clustering environment Milestone 3 (07/19)     Tim DPLY-001 Completed
Rolling upgrade (application part of the commands) Milestone 4 (08/16)     Tim DPLY-001 Completed
Add support for enable/disable commands in clustering environment Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-002 Completed
Add support for create-application-refs/delete-application-refs/list-application-refs commands Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-002 Completed
Support list-applications/list-components commands in clustering environment Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-002 Completed
Support redeploy command in clustering environment Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-002 Completed
Support deploydir command in clustering environment Milestone 3 (07/19)     Tim DPLY-002 Completed
Support list-sub-components command in clustering environment Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-002 Completed
Support show-component-status command in clustering environment Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-002 Completed
Support create-lifecycle-modules/delete-lifecycle-modules/list-lifecycle-modules commands in clustering environment Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-002 Completed
Expose the application-ref related operations through DeploymentFacility for GUI  Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-002 Completed
Support special domain target for deploy/redeploy/undeploy/enable/disable Milestone 4 (08/16)     Hong DPLY-002 Completed
Revisit dotted name set commands for enable attribute Milestone 4 (08/16)     Hong DPLY-002 Completed
Deployment performance Milestone 5 (09/14)     Tim/Hong DPLY-003 On-going
Basic deployment framework level support for plugging in the processing of weblogic deployment descriptors to allow other subteams to starting working on their areas Milestone 1 (05/24) 03/29 04/09 Hong DPLY-004 Completed
Partial support for weblogic-application.xml Milestone 4 (08/16) 04/05   Hong DPLY-004 Completed
Remaining tasks on the deployment framework to support WebLogic deployment descriptors (expose WebLogic DD to GUI and error handling etc) Milestone 4 (08/16)     Hong/Tim DPLY-004 Completed
Deployment framework level support to rename the sun specific deployment descriptor Milestone 1 (05/24) 04/26 04/29 Hong DPLY-005 Completed
Specific changes in each area to rename the sun specific deployment descriptor Milestone 4 (08/16) 04/26   Hong DPLY-005 Completed
Expose the glassfish deployment descriptors to GUI Milestone 4 (08/16)     Hong DPLY-005 Completed
Deployment infrastructure support for application scoped resources Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-006 Completed
Adding keepState option for preserving state Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong DPLY-006 Completed
Support versioning for the basic application commands (deploy/undeploy/enable/disable) Milestone 1 (05/24) 04/15 05/10 SERLI DPLY-007 Completed
Support versioning for the rest PE application commands (list-application etc) Milestone 2 (06/21)     SERLI DPLY-007 Completed
Other non-clustering related work. Support versioning for autodeploy/JSR88, and other changes related to directory deployment, JWS and OSGi. Milestone 3 (07/19)     SERLI DPLY-007 Completed
Support versioning in clustering environment Milestone 4 (08/18)     SERLI DPLY-007 Completed
Remaining tasks and advanced feature of application versioning Milestone 5(09/14)     SERLI DPLY-007 Completed
Expose versioning through GUI Milestone 5 (09/14)     SERLI DPLY-007 Completed
High level design discussions and code review for application versioning Milestone 4 (08/18) 03/15   Hong/Tim DPLY-007 Completed
DTrace probes Milestone 5 (09/14)     Hong DPLY-008 Completed
Set up deployment dev tests on Hudson     8/25 Tim   Completed
Re-enable cluster deployment dev tests Milestone 3 (07/19)     Hong   Completed
Write automated tests to monitor memory leaks       Tim    
OSGi packaging clean up Milestone 3 (07/19)     Tim OsgiPkgDepAnalyser Completed
Fix P1 - P3 bugs Milestone 6 (11/22)     Hong/Tim/Serli   Started

One Pager

3.1 Deployment One Pager

Internal Design Doc

3.1 Internal Design Doc (work in progress)


MS1 Demo

Demo Instructions

Demo Bits

MS2 Demo

Demo Script

MS3 Demo

Demo Script

MS4 Demo

Demo Script

MS5 Demo

Demo Script

Sub Projects

Dev Tests

Email Alias

Versioning_demo_MS3.pdf (application/pdf)