RESTful API Review

Document: V3.1RESTfulApiOnePager

Reviewer: vince kraemer

Review date: May 24, 2010

Response date:

Item Type Comment Response
Reference number Clarification/Enhancement/Correction/.... Detailed review comments Response from functional spec/one pager author
1 clarification will the http adapter api get turned into a real rest api? section 2.1 makes it sound like that is part of the plan. That is not planned ATM. I've updated the text to remove the implication.
2 clarification section 3.1 should mention monitoring, too? Fixed
3 correction 'this play nicely'... replace with something less colloquial. Fixed
4 clarification you are proposing a new authentication token here or do you intend to leverage existing schemes? Authentication Tokens; section 4.1... That is TBD
5 clarification will commands like deploy be placed in the http://localhost:4848/management

url.. or some place else.

Also TBD. Commands directly related to domain.xml elements can be put here, but others (such as some JMS-related commands) do not (directly) affect domain.xml, so they may have their own "root" URI
6 clarification will commands that are not linked to the bean tree be documented/described by WADL to support tooling? WADL support is provided by Jersey, so it should, if I understand it correctly, describe every Resource it knows about. If we add services that are not linked to the bean tree, we will verify that WADL does describe it, and see how to fix that if it does not.
7 clarification I think there is a huge i8n/l10n exposure in this API... consider the use-case: a client running in locale fr_CA makes a call to a server that is running in en_US. The response probably needs to be localized into fr_CA... This is especially true for error handling, no? We've already had initial i18n discussions, though nothing has been decided yet.
8 correction it seems like http://localhost:4848/management

is not right... I get a blank page there, but I do get a useful html interface page on


... you may want to clarify or correct the interface section or the one pager...

I've updated the management link