Commands supported

Note: A more complete list for TP-2 is here.

So far we only support the following administrative commands : deploy, undeploy, list-applications, list-containers, list-modules stop-domain, start-domain, version, list-commands

a command follows the pattern to construct the http request


so to get the list of deployed applications, just do


The current working commands are listed below.

deploy Command

Deploys a new application to the application server

Parameters :

  • path (operand) : path/filename to/of the application bits. This is a required parameter/operand,
  • name : name of the application (defaulted to directory or jar file name)
  • upload : true if upload file to server. defaults to true
  • force : ff set to true, makes sure application is redeployed even if the specified component has already been deployed. The default is false.
  • virtualservers : virtual servers separated by commas
  • contextroot : application root at the unique URL based. defaults to the archive name without the extension.
  • precompilejsp : true if compile JSP during deploy time, otherwise JSPs are compiled during runtime. defaults to false
  • enabled : true to enable the application so that it's accessible by the user. defaults to true

    undeploy Command

Undeploys an application.

Parameters :

  • name (operand) : name of the application to undeploy. This is a required paramter/operand.

redeploy Command

Redeploys a previously deployed application.

Parameters :

  • name : name of the application to redeploy. This is required parameter.
  • path (operand) : path to the application bits. If this parameter is not specified and previously deployed from a directory, then path is retrieved from domain.xml If previously deployed from a file, then this is a required parameter/operand.
  • virtualservers : virtual servers separated by commas
  • contextroot : application root at the unique URL based. defaults to the archive name without the extension.
  • precompilejsp : true if compile JSP during deploy time, otherwise JSPs are compiled during runtime. defaults to false

    deploydir Command

    Deploys an application directly from a development directory
    This is deprecated command in V3. Instead, use deploy command.

Paramters :
See deploy command

list-components Command

list of the deployed applications.

Parameters :

  • type : optional type of the application to be listed

    list-applications Command

list of the deployed applications.

Parameters :

  • type : optional type of the applications to be listed

    list-containers Command

list of the currently know containers and their status.

No Parameters

list-modules Command

list of the modules known to the module subsystem and their status.

No Parameters

stop-domain Command

stops domain server

No Parameters

start-domain Command

starts domain server

Parameters :

  • verbose : true if start server in the same VM. false, starts server in a separate VM.

    version Command

GFv3 version.

No Parameters

list-commands Command

List all remote commands.

No Parameters