Admin GUI Review

Document: GlassFish v3 Admin GUI One Pager

Reviewer: Arun Gupta

Review date: 7/8/2008

Response date:

Item Type Comment Response
1 Typo Section 1 is duplicate fixed.
2 Typo in 3.1 s/industry-strengh/industry-strength fixed.
3 Clarification It's not clear if Admin Console will cover all the functionality provided by CLI and vice-versa. It will not. Will put that in the out-of-scope section. one pager updated.
4 Clarification "Update Center Integration" says "For V3 Lite Express, this list of modules will be limited to those for plugging into the console.". It's not clear if these modules could be third-party modules as well. Actually we will list and allow update/install of all the modules returned by UpdateCenter API. So, if third-party modules are available in IPS and in the UC repository, then yes, it will be included. One Pager updated.
5 Clarification Is server restart required for each module installation ? yes. one pager updated.
6 Clarification In "Web Tier Support" - Undeployment is also part of the feature list ? deploy/redeploy/undeploy of web applications has always been there.
7 Clarification Can the Common Tasks page be made custom ? Each user may have a different set of common tasks depending upon their usage of AS. Not for Prelude, maybe for final V3. One pager updated.
8 Suggestion Nobody from our org will now work on jMaki. So it's important to list that as an external dependency. one pager updated.
9 Clarification "Scripting Support" is not clear. Does it mean Rails & Grails ? Yes. Most likely to support deployment only. One pager updated