GlassFish v3 Prelude Administration Infrastructure Review

Document: GlassFish v3 Prelude Administration Infrastructure

Reviewer: Sreeram Duvur

Review date: 7/16/2008

Response date:

Item Type Comment Response
1 Clarification 2.2, #1 - what does it mean that "domain.xml is no more a dependable interface"?  
1 Clarification General - We have been looking for a facility to lock configuration down as an admin client begins a series of configuration changes that need to be committed as a single transaction. Is this being introduced?  
2 Clarification Are we maintaining CLI compatibility between v2 and v3.  
3 Clarification 411-5 As we introduce Grizzly Configuration, make sure that existing domain.xml interfaces and CLI continue to function, with appropriate mapping  
4 Clarification 411-6 Please add support for JSR-289 SIP Modules and Converged Applications. Current treatment as Extension Module was a compromise that was expected to be fixed. This can be addressed in a next release by adding additional optional elements in applications element?  
5 Clarification 413 - We need the facility to restart the server remotely. Is this supported in CLI and GUI?  
6 Clarification How is module upgrade being handled? A restart is needed?