Brown Bag Series for GlassFish V3 Builds There will be a series of Brown Bags to get developers familiar with the tools used in building GlassFish V3. Please refer to the Builds Related section in GlassFish V3 to get more information related to builds. Some of the topics is listed in the table below. Slides will be available for each discussion, and the audio presentation will be recorded and posted here. Meeting Information
- Toll Free Dial In Number: (866) 545-5227
- Int'l Access/Caller Paid Dial In Number:(865) 673-6950
- ACCESS CODE: 3535518
Date |
Topic |
Conference room |
Speaker |
Presentation |
Tues, Oct 30th : 9am - 10:30am PST |
SVN (subversion) |
The Twist (SCA 12, 3rd fl. #3662) |
Dinesh Patil |
GFV3Intro2svn.pdf |
Thurs, Nov 1st : 9am - 10:30am PST |
maven2 |
Rocket Rods (SCA12, 2nd fl. #2120) |
Paul Sterk |
GFv3Intro2Maven2.pdf |
Tues, Dec 4th : 9am - 10:30am PST |
Hudson |
The Twist (SCA 12, 3rd fl. #3662) |
Kohsuke Kawaguchi |
Hudson GFv3 brown bag.pdf |
iCal feed for brown bag schedule ----------- Other topics to be scheduled
- JAX-WS development process (Jitu)
- V3 Build System (Kohsuke?)
- Mercurial (Ken Cavanaugh)
- Test Framework (Deepa)