This page contains content concerning the v3 build environment. Requirements (Draft)
- Must be able to build release-specific bundles. For example:
- v3/core
- v3/web
- web container
- jsf artifacts
- jsp artifacts
- v3/ejb
- v3/tools
- third party extensions
- Must be able to reuse build logic for creating different bundles.
- Must decide on an SCM. See the v3 SCM Plan for details.
- Must be able to modularize the glassfish workspace to better manage artifacts. These include:
Strategy (Draft) This section describes the strategy used to fulfill each of the requirements.
- Requirement: must be able to build release-specific bundles.
- Option 1: default method of building a bundle in maven is to use the maven-assembly-plugin. There are some drawbacks to this approach:
- Declarative approach to specifying build logic. End up with complex descriptor files.
- Functional gaps: maven-assembly-plugin cannot unzip of file, do token replacement and rezip the file.
- Option 2: delegate the task of building the bundle to an Ant target.
- Since Ant already has tasks for unzipping, token replacement, zipping and so on, there is no need to reinvent this for Maven plugin.
- Ant targets will need to be able to resolve dependencies for those artifacts that do not exist in the workspace, but instead exist in the Maven repo.
- The maven-antrun-plugin can be extended to expose methods for resolving repository artifacts. For example, a method could expose the org.apache.maven.artifact.resolver.ArtifactResolver class to code in an Ant task.
- The maven-antrun-extended-plugin will be configured to run during the package phase.
- Add Ant ArtifactResolver task to call the maven-antrun-extended-plugin to retrieve dependencies. New task will need these parameters:
- Group id
- Artifact id
- Version
- Classifier
- Decision: option 2
- Requirement: must be able to reuse build logic for creating different bundles.
- Reuse means that we have common logic and the ability to customize/extend it.
- Option 1: use a scripting language. Upside: create classes and extend them for each build. Downside: steeper learning curve, more complexity, additional dependency.
- Option 2: use only Ant. Have a common build.xml file with common logic and import it by build-specific build.xml files.
- Decision: option 2
- Requirement: must be able to modularize the glassfish workspace to better manage artifacts.
- Need more details on this requirement: Contact Jerome.
Task Breakdown (Draft) This section describes the sequence of tasks needed to fulfill the requirements.
Task |
Status |
Effort Estimate (calendar days) |
Download maven-antrun-plugin code |
Done |
Investigate strategy and create design for maven-antrun-extended-plugin |
Done |
Add maven-antrun-plugin code to svn repo on |
Done |
Develop initial version of maven-antrun-extended-plugin |
Done |
Add unit tests |
Deferred |
Add Ant ArtifactResolver task |
Done |
Test, adjust code, retest and commit |
Done |
Configure maven-antrun-extended-plugin to run during the package phase |
Done |
Develop error detection features in maven-antrun-extended-plugin |
0.5 |
Write Ant build.xml file to build pe-base |
Not started |
2 |
Test pe-base build.xml file |
Not started |
2 |
Write Ant build.xml file to build ee-base |
Not started |
2 |
Factor out common tasks into common build.xml file |
Not started |
2 |
Test ee-base build.xml file |
Not started |
2 |
Write Ant build.xml file to build nuclear-base |
Not started |
2 |
Factor out common tasks into common build.xml file |
Not started |
2 |
Test nuclear-base build.xml file |
Not started |
2 |
Write Ant build.xml file to build tomcat |
Not started |
1 |
Factor out common tasks into common build.xml file |
Not started |
1 |
Test tomcat build.xml file |
Not started |
1 |
%% %% Feedback and Questions This section tracks feedback and questions.