World's first Java EE 7 Application Server
Meeting Minutes
svn conversion
glassfish v3 will switch from cvs to svn as the scm system. Plan is to complete the conversion of the cvs repo by next Tuesday. More details to follow.
Reasons for the scm switch are documented in the v3 Source Code Management wiki page and here:
The longer term plan is to migrate a module at a time from svn to hg. Details to follow as they become available.
Updated v2 build instructions have been posted
Dinesh will send additional instructions to the glassfish dev alias, after hearing from Abhijit.
update on brown bag preparation
svn: Tentative plan is for Dinesh to do svn Brown Bag on Tuesday, Oct 29th.
maven: plan is for Paul to do an Intro to Maven Brown Bag on Thursday, Nov 1st.