Meeting Minutes of 12/05/2007:

  • Use current hudson setup (kohsuke.sfbay) to publish V3 installers.
  • Currently Nucleus and PE distributions are created for V3. We will be pubishing V3 installer at download location today manually. (Dinesh to create V3 installer manually today)
  • Automate current appserv-tests/community tests on hudson to verify V3 bundles.
  • Paul is looking into current V3 distribution creation issue with Jerome/Kohsuke
  • Deepa is looking into Test framework to run on V3.


  • Automate V3 installer after verifying test on hudson. (Kohsuke will talk to Deepa on how to integrate the tests on hudson)
  • Hg Migration from svn effort (Paul will send out the details for review in next meeting)