Latest V3 Workspace/Build Status:

V3 Build Status:

No matter how hard you try, you are bound to make mistakes, and that's life. So please try to monitor the builds, especially after check-ins, to make sure it's still working. You can monitor V3 build status on Hudson at the following locations:

GlassFish V3 Continuous Build (for making sure that your commits didn't cause build and unit tests to fail. this runs very fast.)

These jobs are also published externally, although they are read-only and their configurations cannot be changed.
Beside these, you'll get e-mails if a build that includes your change breaks. You can also use RSS readers to subscribe to builds.

V3 Module Owners:

The list of module owners : web-10.0-SNAPSHOT

V3 Build FAQ

V3 Checkin Process :

General Check-in Procedures :

  • Have your code reviewed by appropriate engineer(s)
  • If you change code outside of your area, you must discuss the changes with the corresponding module owners/tech leads (see the module owner list)
  • Before commiting your change into V3 workspace, here are the steps to follow to make sure your change is not going to break the build
    • cd path/to/v3 (come to v3 root workspace)
    • svn update
    • mvn -U clean install
    • cd distributions/web/target
    • unzip
    • Run Quicklook Tests using "V3 Installation" as distributions/web/target/glassfish
  • Monitor Continuous Builds at Hudson for a successful build that includes your change : GlassFish V3 Continuous Build

In addition, please consider the following tips as well:

  • Run appropriate set of tests based on the scope and riskiness of your change. You are responsible for figuring out the right set of tests to run before check-ins. Quicklook may not be sufficient for some checkins. Consult your module owner/tech lead if necessary. These are the regression tests:
    • Developer unit tests (strongly encouraged, required for some teams)
  • Include the following information in the commit message:
    • Description (and bugid if it's a bug fix)
    • Code reviewer(s)
    • Which tests have been run
  • Make sure there is sufficient test coverage for your change. Consider running the developer unit tests. Is the appropriate SQE engineer aware of this change?
  • If it's a new feature or there is documentation impact, please send email to the documentation team.

<a name="ql">V3 QuickLook</a> :

Latest Status :

  • Run QuickLook Tests against V3 glassfish distribution:
    • cd quicklook
    • mvn -Dglassfish.home={V3 Installation Dir} test | tee run.log
  • Run QuickLook Tests against V3 web distribution:
    • mvn -Dglassfish.home={V3 Installation Dir} -P test_wd test | tee run.log
  • Run QuickLook Tests against V3 glassfish distribution with turning on security manager:
    • mvn -Dglassfish.home={V3 Installation Dir} -P test_gd_security test | tee run.log
  • Run QuickLook Tests against V3 web distribution with turning on security manager:
    • mvn -Dglassfish.home={V3 Installation Dir} -P test_wd_security test | tee run.log
  • Test Report:
    • Test report is generated at: quicklook/test-output/index.html
  • For detailed QuickLook instructions and how to add tests to QuickLook, please see quicklook/QuickLook_Test_Instructions.html in workspace.