GlassFish V3 Rich Client Improvements


Feature-ID Desired Improvement Priority Comments Issue Link Engg Response
RC-1 Support for JavaFX Script and JavaScript P2 Technology Preview exists in GlassFish V2 UR1. Needs documentation and QA. PCD 4108 Yes
RC-2 Reduce footprint required by Application Client container P2 Java WebStart feature requires a large amount of code be downloaded. Aligns with the overall modularity and "small footprint" goals of GlassFish V3. Ideally, only the code required to service the application should be required. PCD 4109 Yes
RC-3 Add target host and port arguments to ACC command line P3 (RFE ). More flexible deployment scenarios PCD 4110 Yes
RC-4 Embeddable ACC P3 (RFE ). PCD 4111 Yes
RC-5 Traditional command line processing for ACC P3 Aligns with ease-of-use goal of GlassFish V3. PCD 4112 Stretch - would require use of -javaagent (not in itself a problem) but there are known limitations in identifying from the Java runtime what the actual main class is that the Java launcher will run
RC-6 WebStart needs a way for user to influence JNLP generation (add native dll/so) P2 (RFE ) PCD 4113 Yes
RC-7 Enhance JWS app client to create Windows Shortcut P3 (RFE ) PCD 4114 Yes (as part of solution to RC-6)
RC-8 Support for splash screen on startup of ACC or via webstart P2 (Multiple community requests ) PCD 4115 Partial yes, partial stretch - probably yes for appclient command line start-up; may be stretch in Java Web Start launches; needs further investigation to see if this is feasible
