GlassFish V3 Deployment Improvements

This document is part of V3AdministrationImprovements.

Feature-ID Desired Improvement Priority Comments Issue Link Eng Response
Deploy-001 Make deployment framework more pluggable and extensible P1 Deployment framework must be able to handle new deployment types, such as .py or .groovy (hypothetically speaking). Probably not a requirement but an implementation detail. Left here for reference. 4103 Yes.
Deploy-002 Improve iterative deployment experience P1 Improve code-deploy-test developer cycle, Work with NetBeans IDE team on improvements, web/other module type 4099 Yes.
Deploy-003 Duplicate of CoreInfra-014 and mis-placed here. Removed.
Deploy-004 Application Versioning P1 Enterprises deploy multiple versions of an application over time. However, a deployed application can also have unforseen problems. For Quality of Service reasons, quickly and easily rolling back to a prior version of an application will minimize end-users being impacted. See related "application isolation" request (here ). Also required by SailFin . 4100 Yes.
Deploy-005 Application environment versioning / Resource Isolation P2 Development processes often include a development, test, integration, staging and production environments. While the code in these environments does not change, the resources they leverage do change (test database, staging database, production database). This requirement will attempt to facilitate resource configuration across environments. Resources should have a configurable scope (domain or application for example). SailFin requirement and multiple customers have requested as well. 4137 Stretch goal (this issue is owned by resource team).
Deploy-006 Removed. Duplicate of CoreInfra-016
Deploy-007 Override env-entry value post-deployment P2 See forum thread 4105 Yes.
Deploy-008 map jndi environment entries through admin-console P3 RFE 4138 Stretch goal.
Deploy-009 Rolling Upgrade Support P1 Sailfin requirement. - Ability to orchestrate application rolling upgrade (via hooks for external agent) - Ability to define resources at the application scope Causes issues with rolling upgrade. If old & new versions both use same resource name, causes issues. Heirarchical resource name space - Support for multiple versions of applications to be deployed (see CoreInfra-016 ) - Support for multiple versions of applications to be loaded 4132 Stretch goal (we will try to improve the upgrade experience over v2, but will not implement runtime versioning)

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