GlassFish V3 Diagnostics and Serviceability Improvements


Feature-ID Desired Improvement Priority Comments Issue Link Eng Response
DS-001 DTrace support P2 DTrace support for GlassFish is key to being able to diagnose performance (and even functional) problems. Add formal documentation on how to use DTrace with GlassFish.   Yes
DS-002 Log server.log to a centralized location as an option P3 (Community request ). When an error occurs it can be difficult to know which server in a cluster is the causing causing or propagating the error. A means of quickly finding the instance would reduce mean time to repair.   Need more information. This is already configurable and requires a shared file system.
DS-003 Enhance the diagnostic report to provide the diagnostics about domain P2 The current report shoves the entire domain.xml into the report. With support for 100+ instances and a growing number of profiles, this will be difficult to traverse and increase time to diagnose issues.   No
DS-004 Application MBeans must tie in to application server MBean server P1 SailFin Requirement. Admin GUI support should exist as well for application mbeans.   No
DS-005 SNMP support P1 GlassFish V3 should be able to support existing monitoring infrastructure already deployed within enterprises.   No
DS-006 Improved call flow monitoring / filtering P3 Improve filtering to include call parameters based on type (community request ).   No
DS-007 Logging: Event should be thrown for log rotation to support once-only logging P2 Request by Open ESB community.   No
DS-008 Logging: support for multiple log files with filters plus configuration screens P2 Request by Open ESB community.   Partial. Support configuration. Not sure about multiple log files.
DS-009 Logging: logging configuration must be pluggable, including a way to plug in multiple categories to configure for a component with human readable and i18nable names P2 Request by Open ESB community.   Yes, through standard JDK mechanism (