One Pagers for new functionality in GlassFish V3

*Document* *Authors* *Status* *Forum and Slides* *Testing owner* *Test Spec* *Test Spec Status*
Project Overview Jerome Dochez          
JDBC Enhancements Jagadish Prasath          
Scripting Vivek Pandey          
Admin GUI Enhancements Anissa Lam          
Deployment Enhancements Hong Zhang          
Role Based Access Control Nandini Ektare          
Monitoring Enhancements Prashanth Abbagani, Harpreet Singh, Mahesh Kannan          
Pluggability / Extensibility / OEM Sreenivas Munnangi, Ken Paulsen, Hong Zhang, Lloyd Chambers          
REST Interfaces Rajeshwar Patil          
Admin Infrastructure Changes Kedar Mhaswade, Muhammad Siraj Ghaffar          
Admin Server's Fail Over Byron Nevins, Kedar Mhaswade          
Application Client Container Enhancements Tim Quinn          
Update Center Integration and Module Distribution Rajeshwar Patil, Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic          
Installer & Desktop Integrations Snjezana Sevo-Zenzerovic, Sathyan Catari          
Packaging Dinesh Patil          
DB Integration Sathyan Catari, Jennifer Chou, Ana Caballero Late binding        
Offline AMX Lloyd Chambers Late binding        
Versioning & Backup/restore Hong Zhang, Byron Nevins Late binding        
MQ Integration Ramesh, Linda          
High Availability Improvements Larry White          


Guidelines for Authors:

  • The one pager is meant for consumption by ARCs, Docs, QE/QA, SEs and other developers who may need to understand the high level workings and interfaces. Please use the standard templates given below
    • HTML or TXT
  • The one pager is not a substitute for design document. Please keep one pagers reasonably brief.
  • When the initial draft of a document is ready, please link it to the table above and change the state to Draft
  • When the document is ready for review:
    • Please start a new GlassFish forum thread soliciting feedback/comments on the new feature by providing a link to the relevant one pager there.
    • The subject of the thread should say something about the new feature.
    • Ask for feedback on the new feature in the body of the thread and include the link to the relevant one pager in it.
    • Indicate in the initial thread that the review period is 2 weeks. Comments received after that will not be considered for this release.
    • Please add a link to the relevant GlassFish forum thread to this table for your one pager and change the status to Under Review.
  • Please allow a minimum period of 2 weeks for the community to provide feedback/comments on the GlassFish forum.
  • At the end of this period:
    • Announce in the appropriate GlassFish forum thread that the review period is over and the one pager will be updated with all relevant feedback/comments received during this period.
    • Incorporate any feedback that is useful and relevant for this release into the one pager and update it on this page.
    • Change the status to Review Completed

Review Process:

  • The author of the one pager for the feature will post the one pager on this wiki and start a new GlassFish forum thread soliciting feedback/comments on the new feature.
  • All documents posted will allow a minimum of 2 weeks for the community to provide feedback.
  • During this period, author is expected to respond to feedback/comments posted by others on the forum.
  • At the end of this period the author will update the one pager with all relevant feedback/comments received during this period.
  • Any feedback/comments received after this period will not be considered for this release.