GlassFish V3 General Improvements

Note, in some cases this was used to catch requirements that may eventually land a different section.

Feature-ID Desired Improvement Priority Comments Issue Link Eng Response
Gen-001 Reduce startup time P1 Reduce the amount of time it takes to start the application server relative to GlassFish V2. Example: Lazily load the containers to service deployed applications.   Yes
Gen-002 Reduce memory consumption P1 Reduce the amount of RAM required during development and runtime relative to GlassFish V2.   Yes
Gen-003 All P1 - P3 bugs must be resolved by FCS P1 Continue high quality   Yes
Gen-004 All Requests for Enhacement (RFEs) should be evaluated and handled appropriately P1 All outstand RFE's should either be addressed in GlassFish V3, pushed to if a valid RFE, or close if RFE does not align with GlassFish goals.
Gen-005 Built in scheduler with tasks/jobs implemented as EJB components, monitor status of tasks P3 Ease-of-use (Community request . Lack of a use case and functional details drives this to a P3.   No
Gen-006 Backwards compatibility with GlassFish V2 P1 Applications deployed to GlassFish V2 should continue to work, unmodified, with GlassFish V3   Yes
Gen-007 Highly available Singleton Service P3 A service should be able to run on only one instance in a cluster. If that instance fails, another instance in the clusters continues servicing requests as the new singleton. (Community Request ). Singleton EJBs are required (P1) in Java EE 6 with EJB 3.1 support .   No
Gen-008 GlassFish V3 should be able to connect to one or more, including 3rd party, update centers. P1 This should be configurable. Important for OEMs to be able to define their update center. Also useful for IT development teams to manage corporate-standard packages in one central location with easy access/setup for developers. Sailfin requirement.   Yes. Using IPS based update center. Changed priority to P1
Gen-009 Resource prioritization and scheduling P2 Resource prioritization so higher-priority applications or higher priority threads (users/external apps) have higher priority access to resources. Competitive parity. RFE4147 , RFE3205 Partial, Leverage implementation in Grizzly
Gen-010 SOA Profile P2 Include JBI and relevant components. Request from Open ESB community.   Partial. Enable creation of such a Profile. SOA community should take on creation of the profile
Gen-011 Update center support P2 Ability to perform a live update of JBI components while system is "live". Current Update Center leverages add-on contract, which runs early in domain startup before the JBI runtime is available. Requested by Open ESB community.   Need more information
Gen-012 GlassFish V3 "brand" naming P1 Replaces SJSAS 9.1 branding with GlassFish V3 logo & name, on CLI & admin UI, for GlassFish distributions 4176 Yes
Gen-013 Support for the Connector.Next specification P1 At a minimum bi-directional security context propagation.   Yes, Move to Java EE 6 section
Gen-014 Support for OSGi modules P1 Support OSGi as a means for 3rd parties to extend the functionality of the application server   Yes
Gen-015 Move more towards tasked-based documentation P2 Task-based documentation will help   Yes
