Grizzly Config Review

Document: Grizzly Config

Reviewer: Bill Shannon

Review date: 7/9/2008

Response date:

Item Type Comment Response
1 Clarification I don't understand how this relates to the current configuration in domain.xml and what the compatibility impact is. Added more details to clarify this
2 Clarification The DTD doesn't have nearly enough documentation to understand how the elements are used. More documentation has been added
3 Editorial Please format the DTD and the example to fit in 80 columns. Done
4 Correction The DTD uses two different naming styles for elements and attributes. Pick one (preferably the one used by domain.xml) and stick with it. Fixed - we have now used domain.xml style
5 Clarification Section 4.2 and on seem to have been barely touched from the template. Did you even think about these issues? Please fill in every section with appropriate information. These sections have been updated