Back to GlassFish V3 Admin Console What URL do I use to access GlassFish v3 Prelude Admin Concole ?It should be http://<hostname>:4848/and by default, the login screen will be by-passed and you should be at the CommonTask Page. The information below was out-dated, and was there for the builds before v3 Prelude was released. This page really shouldn't be needed, but ...
Jspwiki style: sortable Note: starting from promoted build 22, we have fixed it so that the consent page shown below is gone. !! Work around if you build your own web.zipIf you are building the sever yourself, distributions/web/target/ does not include the admingui war. In this case, the code will try to download that from update center repository. However, update center meta data is not available either. Here is what you can do: cd v3 unzip distributions/web/target/ cp admingui/war/target/admingui.war glassfish/lib/install/applications/admingui.war glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain Access the console by http://localhost:4848/ Page last updated on Sep 8, 2008. |