Back to GlassFish V3 Admin Console

What URL do I use to access GlassFish v3 Prelude Admin Concole ?

It should be


and by default, the login screen will be by-passed and you should be at the CommonTask Page.

The information below was out-dated, and was there for the builds before v3 Prelude was released.

This page really shouldn't be needed, but ...
The URL you use depends on which build or version you are running. Unless you have modified the port # or the default value in domain.xml, this is the only URL that will be supported.

Build and Version Date Released URL to use
SCF promoted build 19 Aug 16, 2008 Sorry, no luck.
Nightly build before 8/26   Sorry, no luck
Promoted build 20 Aug 20, 2008 http://localhost:8080/admin
Nightly build ON or AFTER 8/26 8/26 -> http://localhost:4848/
Promoted build 21 Aug 28, 2008 http://localhost:4848/
Any promoted build after 21   http://localhost:4848/

Jspwiki style: sortable

Note: starting from promoted build 22, we have fixed it so that the consent page shown below is gone.
If this is the first time you access the admin console, you will see the following image expecting you to press 'ok'. Admin Console still needs to be deployed and loaded even though the admin console bits is included in the installation. Please press OK to continue. You won't need internet access. This page and wording will be changed to avoid the confusion.

!! Work around if you build your own

If you are building the sever yourself, distributions/web/target/ does not include the admingui war. In this case, the code will try to download that from update center repository. However, update center meta data is not available either.
Note: Starting from nightly build of 09/06, you HAVE to name the directory 'glassfish'. This is because, the installation is supposed to be YOUR_INSTALLATION/glassfish, YOUR_INSTALLATION/bin, YOUR_INSTALLATION/pkg, etc. and any IPS package downloaded from the UpdateCenter is expecting to be put under YOUR_INSTALLATION/glassfish.

Here is what you can do:

cd v3
unzip distributions/web/target/
cp admingui/war/target/admingui.war glassfish/lib/install/applications/admingui.war
glassfish/bin/asadmin start-domain

Access the console by http://localhost:4848/

Page last updated on Sep 8, 2008.

console-install.jpg (image/pjpeg)