Back to AdminConsole V3 GlassFish V3 Workspace Structure for Admin Console There are 2 options in organizing the directory structure for admin console in V3.
- All pluggable modules that provides different functionality in admin gui resides under one admingui module as sub modules. admingui is at the top level of the v3 source. It contains other sub-module such as the core which provides the infrastructure of the console. Other sub-module such as webtier, jdbc is at the same level as the core. There is a sub-module which is packaged as a war applications, with the core jar in it. The advantage of this approach is such that all the source code related to admin console is available in one centralized location, making developement, building etc. more convenient.
- Admin gui source code resides under its corresponding container/module. admingui is at the top level of the v3 source. It only contains the core module and the war application. The gui source code for all other module such as webtier, jdbc, ejb etc will be resided under the module itself. Basically, there will be one pluggable admingui module corresponding to different area of the admin residing under that module itself. The advantage of this approach is that the pluggable module becomes 'self contained', and building or compiling this pluggable module will ensure that console functionality of this module is up-to-date. This also means closer tie between the console and the backend.
The admin console team decided to go with the first approach. It is more convenient for development in the early stage. Towards the end of the development cycle, we may decide to move the admin gui sub modules to under their corresponding modules, hopefully this will be a pretty straight forward task. Admin Console Web Packages This is the top level for the Admin Console. It contains all the sub modules in the console, and also the war application itself.
Admin Console Web Application This is the war packaging module which will contains the core jar file. After the building cycle, a war file is available for deployment.
Core Module for Admin Console. This is the module that provides the infrastructure for the Admin Console. All other sub module should depend on this module.
JDBC module This is the plugin module for providing the JDBC functionality in Admin Console.