Installer Review

Document: GlassFish V3 Installation/Uninstallation Program

Reviewer: Bill Shannon

Review date: 7/9/2008

Response date:

Item Type Comment Response
1 Clarification 2.2, item 3 - do you call this out here because you know of problems that need to be fixed, or only because of a history of problems that have been needed to be fixed? This is considering the past history where we had to patch our zlib version twice to resolve security alerts. The patches were available as upgrades from zlib.
2 Clarification 2.2, item 5 - it would be good to know exactly which asadmin commands the installer depends on. create-domain, delete-domain.
3 Clarification 4.1 - I assume you're creating an IPS package database as part of the installation, despite the fact that the content is packaged as zip files. Yes, IPS package database corresponding to the set of initially installed packages is delivered as part of installed content and is packaged together with the payload in OpenInstaller zip unit.
4 Clarification 4.1 - It would be good to have confirmation of the OS platforms you intend to support, given that we've had problems with OpenInstaller on some platforms in the past. Solaris, Linux(RHAT, SuSE), Windows, MacOS. Other flavours of linux are not tested with Open Installer, but I do not anticipate issues for extending the support to them given the very limited native code. Update center notifier integration is done through Update Center bootstrap interface, so UC notifier should also have support for these platforms.
5 Clarification 4.1 - Will the installer perform all the expected desktop integration on all platforms, including installation of the update center notifier? Desktop integration on windows and gnome based desktops is a supported feature. Mac desktop integration not supported.

InstallerOnePager.pdf (application/pdf)