Who is Responsible for Integrating JSR-317 RI into Glassfish? Sun employee Mitesh Meswani Most Recently Integrated Version of JSR-317 RI EclipseLink version 2.0.0-M6 (Integrated on 07/31/2009) Integration Process V3 currently integrates EclipseLink as binary by pulling in EclipseLink jars. A "build from source" integration will be done before V3 goes final. <br>Following jars are pulled in from EclipseLink. All the jars contains OSGI metadata
- org.eclipse.persistence.core.jar - The Core EclipseLink
- org.eclipse.persistence.jpa.jar - Implements JPA functionality
- org.eclipse.persistence.antlr.jar - Repackaged antlr
- org.eclipse.persistence.asm.jar - Repackaged asm
- org.eclipse.persistence.oracle.jar - Oracle database specific enhancements
The integration process is as follows
- EclipseLink RE promotes an EclipseLink build and publishes it to EclipseLink maven repository
- EclipseLink RE also creates a tag for the sources corresponding to the promotion
- Update V3 top level pom to point to this build using properties "eclipselink.version" and "javax-persistence-api.version"
Integration Testing
- This is a manual process. SQE JPA tests and Quicklook tests are run before integrating a new version of EclipseLink into V3