Glassfish v3 Meeting Minutes: 2007/09/19
- scm status:
- No immediate resolution on which scm to use.
- cvs history : we still don't quite have a successful cvs history move to mercurial, at this point, we need to assume we would loose cvs history.
- ide tools : the IDE tools are still pretty basic (if any) and we cannot expect everyone outside to use Netbeans.
- Hg tools itself is still buggy (as reported by Paul) and difficult to install on some older Linux env.
- Infrastructure issues:
- no fisheye
- no support. if we have our own Hg server, how do we backup, authenticate (using IDs) and so on...
- training
- Consider having different modules on different scms as long as we can do binary integration.
- Get input from developers on the impact of losing history if we move directories in cvs.
- Figure out how to handle user ids if we use hg
- First: merge 9.1fcs into v3 prework branch: who will do this?
- ur1 needs to be merged. If we are still on CVS, merge onto trunk. This is TBD.
- Then wait for the scm choice before merging to trunk.
- How to verify sanity of v3 branch? Need to setup a sample of tests from different modules.
- Paul: working on automating th pe-base zip file. Plan is to use a new maven plugin that leverages ant targets.
- Terena needs to get the host setup.
- Need new maven plugins:
- Code checker
- FindBugs. Need to inform developers on how to run it.
- For those that need to commit to the v3 branch, we will decide if another branch will work.