Need build system setup. Enables outside dev to come in.
Which branch? Where does code go? Bare min for nightly builds. Testing we would need to qualify as 'good builds'?
Which SCM? hg or svn or both?
Infrastructure: need to setup machines to do the builds.
Preserve file history in new repo
Need to continue to develop in cvs for next few months. Two branches in cvs continue: SAILFIN and 9.1UF1. Merge with hg.
Initial hg: convert into diff workspaces. Split into 3 or more.
Maven build system. Kohsuke and Jerome. K to add new features.
Distro system: more flexibility. Non-jar files not well managed. XML, scripts zip file approach. Take zip file. Assemble non-jar files using maven.
Are we taking on too much to move to hg and to reorganize our build env?
Incomplete build instructions. Move hg outside of SWAN so we create public instructions. Need training.
hg convert-repo is script is unreliable.
Get ,v RCS files and use these to do the conversion.
What are the requirements for choosing an SCM? tools and synchronization support for hg is lacking.
Tools on Fishnet
Authn support? Separately managed - not linked in to database. glassfish portal. Link to mercurial. Access restrictions. Can we extend the hg web interface? Open Solaris has gotten some features.
www in cvs repo. Documentation shows up automatically. How to do with hg? Keep docs in cvs?
Update hg > cvs read-only < Fisheye
Split glassfish into separate modules using svn
Each module migrates from svn to hg when they are ready
Using svn:
Move code around while preserving file history.
Fisheye supports
synchronization is better
centralized model is ok for gf for now
Consider splitting glassfish into separate modules using svn
Sun Infrastructure:
Do we need nightly build or continuous builds (Hudson)?
Promotion process needs more definition. How to ensure that users have a quality build.
Terena and Kohsuke to meet.
How do owners to integration? Long term: test runs complete first and then integration. What is the criteria? Owner asks Terena to promote.
Module owners need guidelines. Freeze period so tests can pass.
Test requirements should be flexible. Need a module as a guideline. Ask webservices module owners. Need glassfish to run tests. Test system must be configurable to pick up which dependent modules.
Use Hudson machines that are already setup.
Bring hg changes back to cvs.
Merge 9.1 into trunk
Merge v3 branch into trunk
Period of instability.
Snapshot of v2. then take snapshot and add branch.
After merges are done, use new SCM: svn or hg
After build system is available, each module figures out its dependencies.