GlassFish V3 Message Queue Improvements

Note, message queue centric requirements belong with the Open Message Queue project. These requirements are focused on how GlassFish and Message Queue work together.

Feature-ID Desired Improvement Priority Comments
MQ-1 Support for Message Queue High Availability through its integrated file store P1 Provide an option to HADB as a persistent store for messages. Offer 5 9's of availability without HADB, supported in Direct mode and in the Developer profile. (Reference )
MQ-2 Integrated Message Queue / GlassFish admin console P3 Ease-of-use feature so a developers and operations personnel have a single point of management.
MQ-3 Embedded (direct mode) support in clusters P3 Performance, ease of use
MQ-4 Message Queue Resource Adapter support for Connector.Next P1 The Resource Adapter should propagate the security context bi-directionally as proposed in the next version of the Connector JSR

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