Overview Review

Document: GlassFish v3 Overview Functional Specification

Reviewer: Bill Shannon

Review date: 7/7/2008

Response date:

Item Type Comment Response
1 Comment In section 4.1, I'm glad to see you admit that maven 2 is technically difficult to understand and maintain! I sure wish we had a better choice... Maven2 has undoubtedly difficulties in terms of user interface and implementation. Our usage is quite simple and if we better choice arise, we should be able to switch relatively easily.
2 Correction Under WebTier, you mean "TCK", not "CTS Tests". OK
3 Clarification Under REST Interface for Administration, I don't understand the difference between the two items you list. One interface is the simple HTTP web forms style of invocation with all parameters encoded in the request URL parameters. The second interface is a real REST style invocation based on JAX-RS.
4 Clarification Under Embeddable GlassFish, bullet 1, does this imply that all use of OSGi APIs must be optional, so that GlassFish can run without an OSGi runtime? yes, we would like to support such a case even if it reduces the extensibility of the runtime.
5 Clarification Under Embeddable GlassFish, bullet 2, I don't understand this. Does this mean you have to be able to run embedded with no domain.xml at all? Right, people should be able to use a simple set of APIs to programmatically configure an instance of GlassFish and run it with such configuration.
6 Clarification Under Embeddable GlassFish, bullet 3, does this imply that every fixed directory, relative file lookup, or file location algorithm must be configurable? no we will support only a certain set of configurable directories/location, and those locations should be accessible from a centralized Server environment.
7 Clarification Under Embeddable GlassFish, bullet 4, this doesn't apply to the contents of Java EE defined deployment artifacts, does it? so far, it applies to the location of the deployment descriptors, the static content, the classes and the library files.
8 Clarification You need to fill out section 4.12 on compatibility. It seems that more and more people are assuming they can break compatibility. You need to be clear on exactly what compatibility is required, especially with the structure of existing domains and with applications that use the existing GlassFish-specific APIs such as AMX. Ok, added