Packaging Notes


  1. Which repository (Main, Universe, Multiverse)
  2. Delivering to next release (Intrepid Ibex/8.10/Octobr 2008: announcement is here
  3. Needs source packaging and source build
    • Are we using IcedTea or OpenJDK?
    • Ant is available
    • What about maven2?

Ken's questions (and some answers):

  1. Can you construct debian packages from the current GFv3 build? How does (or should) this work?
    • (Nitya) The GF build dependencies and sources will have to be identified for this work to start.
  2. What packages do you plan to deliver for GFv3? How does this relate to the different distributions people have been discussing (nucleus, web, glassfish)?
    • (Nitya) This is completely upto how we view the GlassFish installation on Ubuntu? I expect the nucleus to be the main package with others available as separate & independent packages that can be installed as required. This is dependent on how the build works and can be tailored.
  3. How would the source code need to be package for Ubuntu (once we figure out how to generate all of the source code)?
    • (Nitya) The packaging would be as follows:
      • Source package : contains a source tar ball (contains all of the source code) and additional Ubuntu/debian build info to generate one or more packages (called binary packages) The binary packages can be tailored to suit us - to match the existing distributions or not
      • If any of the v3 build dependencies are not available on Ubuntu (existing packages) then these have to be delivered with their sources too. Each of this should be a separate package so they can be used separately if needed.
  4. What is the set of tools we can assume already present (or loaded via dependencies) in Ubuntu? Is this basically OpenJDK 6 and ant? I see that Hardy has a maven2 (2.0.8-3) package in universe now (see Can we use this maven for building GFv3 from source on Ubuntu (assuming that we can configure things so that the maven build only uses local source for the build)?
    • (Nitya) We have OpenJDK6, Ant 1.7.0. We can use Ubuntu's maven for build if we it can build from local sources. If we are able to get GlassFishv3 into main, my understanding is that we can get maven to piggyback into main as a required dependency. We will have to work with Ubuntu people for this to happen.