1. Terminology was my biggest issue in this writeup, specifically what you call the "modules". I found lots of different terms for what I think might be the same thing: {{}} {{ * addons}} {{ * modules}} {{ * incremental modules/features}} {{ * add-on modules}} {{ * set of modules}} {{ * plugin bundles}} {{ * plugins}} {{ * set of plugins}} {{ * pluggable extensions}} {{}} Lloyd used the term modules almost exclusively. Jerome used the terms plugins, or set of modules. The pluggability 1-pager uses all these terms, which makes it confusing. In trying to understand your1-pager, I kept wondering if you were talking about different things or one thing. Can we pick one term and just use that? {{}} Is there any other type of extensibility, or is pluggability pretty much it? If so, do we even need to talk about "extensibility"? {{}} 2. Is there anywhere that all the pluggable modules are listed? JBI, JRuby, and Portal container are mentioned, but there must be more. Is AdminConsole is a pluggable module? Is asadmin is a pluggable module? Or do they come as part of other modules? Somewhere we will need to describe each module in detail, with all its bits and dependencies and interrelationships (sounds like JES :-\ ?). {{}} 3. What does GF come with as a default installation? If everything is considered a pluggable module, which basic pieces provide a working appserver? We might need an in-depth discussion of the architecture. Do users need to understand such detail (admins, OEMs, and devs)? {{}} 4. Are CLI commands no longer going to be considered "remote" or "local"? 2.2.2 CLI {{}} 5. Administrator's tasks seems to include the following, correct? How much of this is dynamic? {{}} {{ 1. Install a module (can also be done via Update Center)}} {{ 2. Update a module (can also be done via Update Center)}} {{ 3. Uninstall a module}} {{ 4. List modules}} {{ 5. View contents of module}} {{ 6. Monitor module}} {{ 7. Do I do any tweaking of modules, for performance, etc?}} {{ 8. Validate to make sure nothing bad happens when 3rd-party plugins are integrated. Section 4.11.1}} {{}} 6. Developer's tasks: {{}} {{ 1. is the console-config.xml file something that a user edits?}} {{ 2. Skins, rebranding, themes}} {{ 3. Customizations}} {{ 4. Embedding GF---does this have anything to do with modules?}} {{}} 7. Will all functionality work though both the GUI and CLI? Will there be parity for Prelude? parity for v3?